The Idyllic Purpose of DNA vs the Technocrat Agenda to Reprogram All Life on Earth

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The point is to discover them.”- GALILEO. Technocratic means control of society or industry by an elite of technical experts. The goals of the technocratic movement such as the World Economic Forum and the well being of the inhabitants of the planet, are diametrically opposed. With its… Continue reading The Idyllic Purpose of DNA vs the Technocrat Agenda to Reprogram All Life on Earth

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Reform of the Human Mind – The Evolution of Human Consciousness

“It is vanity to imagine that one can introduce a new philosophy by refuting this or that author. It is necessary first to teach the reform of the human mind and to render it capable of distinguishing truth from falsehood” – Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). We are first and foremost on this planet as participants in the evolution of human… Continue reading Reform of the Human Mind – The Evolution of Human Consciousness

Two World Systems -A Profound Insight Into Real Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence

GALILEO: “Two Chief World Systems.” ” I decided to appear openly in the theatre of the world as a witness of the sober truth.”  “In the real world there are a myriad of circular motions and consequently a myriad of centers.” “Linear motion goes completely out the window, nature never makes use of it at all.”GALILEO… Continue reading Two World Systems -A Profound Insight Into Real Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence

Copernicus The Worlds Most Extraordinary Genius – “The Universe is Spherical”

“In the first place, we must observe that the universe is spherical. This is either because a sphere is the figure that is the most perfect, whole, and complete in itself; or it is because a sphere is the most capacious and therefore, the best suited to contain and preserve all things.” Nicolaus Copernicus A… Continue reading Copernicus The Worlds Most Extraordinary Genius – “The Universe is Spherical”


THE EPIC MEDITATION JOURNEY Into The Underworld And Full Enlightenment. Buddha is reputed to have meditated and realized Nirvana. As a result he introduced a religious ideology called Buddhism. Nobody doubts Nirvana, however due to our innate fear of the unknown, there are few who are prepared to make the life altering meditative journey into the… Continue reading NIRVANA

The Attainment of One

“Therefore we conclude that unity is the only infinite number” GALILEO. IT IS A BIOLOGICAL FACT that every person is endowed with a God gene, called Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 (VMAT2). By virtue of a God gene, every human being on the planet is a distinct majestic, very beautiful, dignified and impressive individual entity.  The… Continue reading The Attainment of One

Mathematics of Death

How The Natural World Works “Mathematics is the language with which God has written the Universe” – GALILEO. For Tibetans, Life And Death Are A Perpetual Cycle. Tibet is a majestic and remote plateau country, situated at a very high altitude, 16,000 feet above sea level and located between India, Nepal and China. The Tibetan… Continue reading Mathematics of Death

Eight Types of People

How The Natural World Works Blog – VIBRATION AND FREQUENCY “I take pleasure in every kind of musical instrument and have paid considerable attention to harmony. A string which has been struck begins to vibrate and continues the motion as long as one hears the sound. These vibrations cause the immediately surrounding air to vibrate… Continue reading Eight Types of People

How The Natural World Works – Blog

“The strongest affection and utmost zeal, should I think promote studies concerned with the most beautiful objects and the most deserving to be known.” Nicolaus Copernicus This blog explains how the natural world works. It brings together knowledge from the genius intellects of Copernicus, Galileo, Vitruvius, Tibetan Scholars, Lao Tzu and other extraordinary people. The… Continue reading How The Natural World Works – Blog