There is an Athenian structure that would guarantee a representative and sovereign democratic government which is truly “of the people, for the people and by the people.” The government is chosen by lot from the populace (realistically they should be above a certain age and probably demonstrated a level of productive life skills such as in horticulture, running a family, social services or commerce)! 

This system may appear to require placing our trust in the strength of human nature. However people ‘that are of the people’ are from the compassionate, caring and well-balanced majority who regardless of their sex, age or education, have always been ready and willing to look out for one another. They are people who if selected, are likely to legislate with immense honor and have a great deal more compassionate empathy, than all the aloof corporate owned demagogues of the institutionalized political parties! 

“In the real world there are multitudes of circular motions
and hence multitudes of centers”


Debt and money based on debt are not real things, they are legal constructs that are designed to take away real things. The taking away of real things leads to deprivation and subjugation.

Money based on debt has led to a totally immoral, out of control financial system that is directed without compassion against the economic good and welfare of the great body of people on the planet. The population of the planet have been forced to financially depend on a parasitic economic charade, created and implemented by the private owners of central banks.

Collapse of the world economy, pensions and social security due to excessive debt, is a mathematically assured certainty and will be magnitudes greater than the financial horrors of the great depression. The developing debt crisis, is a liquidity crisis. The fact of the matter is, without ever expanding debt (liquidity), the entire financial system shuts down. The collapse will devastate the lives of the great body of people, who are totally unprepared for the establishment overlord’s reckless mismanagement of the world’s finances.

To lessen the enormous destruction of innocent lives. The cause of the devastating economic collapse, needs to be responsibility tackled before it happens.

Money defines our enterprise, independence, prosperity and economic freedom

Before President Nixon in 1971 replaced an economic system based on a partial gold standard, for a completely synthetic monetary system. It is estimated that the enterprising middle class in the United States, created in the region of 200,000 net new businesses annually.

Instead of continuing under a gold standard, with currency that was at least partially backed by the nations gold reserves and prospering exceedingly from the compounded dynamic of 200,000 new middle class businesses created each year. 

The new found ability for the central banks to issue their own synthetic currency, has enabled them to provide unlimited finance for corporations to incorporate the majority of the world’s wealth creating assets and natural resources. It has wiped out the middle class who treated their employees as family!

Corporations now control most of the means of production and decide the distribution of income, wealth and commodities. The employees of corporations are given few rights or have the assurance of long term employment. It is a big risk to take on a mortgage and raise a family knowing that tomorrow, you can become unemployed!

Corporations also control the propaganda media, set wages and working conditions, use robotics, destroy the environment, misuse healthcare, control the political apparatus and operate the insidious military industrial complex that profits from perpetual war.

The enormous financial advantages that are afforded to them by the central banks. Allows corporations to continually compound an almost totalitarian ownership of global wealth and dictate the social environment. It has allowed them to poison the world’s population for profit and use deadly toxins, to sterilize or destroy much of the wonderful natural ecosystem required for present and future generations.

Unable to compete in a centralized financially rigged market, the number of middle class businesses who care for their employees and contribute to local communities, has dropped from creating 200,000 new businesses annually to become net negative. 

For the great body of people in the United States and elsewhere who desire no more than a just society for their families, for their communities and for themselves. The conditions in an economy under the tyranny of corporatism has meant home ownership, job security and real wages have all steadily declined. While the fortunes of a few have grown to be beyond all human imagination.

How banks create
new money:

Monetary inflation means as the quantity of money in circulation increases, it devalues the purchasing power of existing money and this forces the prices for goods and services to go up. By corruptly excluding essentials from the calculation of the inflation index, such as food and energy plus other underhanded means. Government statistics are used to deny working people, pensioners and welfare recipients sufficient incomes to keep pace with monetary inflation.

To survive with a measure of dignity, the new poor are continually forced to borrow the income shortfall and are charged a horrendous interest penalty. It is perniciously borrowed from commercial banks, who are licensed agents for the cartel of central banks and authorized to issue newly created money as debt. The continual supply of new money issued as debt, causes a never ending inflationary spiral. As more debt is borrowed, it increases the quantity of central bank money in circulation and further inflates the cost of living. This insidious debt monetary inflation spiral continues to repeat ad-infinitum. 

The ever increasing inflationary supply of money issued as debt is the reason why the original 1913 Federal Reserve Note, the US dollar has a purchasing value of less than three cents today. 

Letter to their New York Associates in 1863, laying the foundation for the Federal Reserve Act:

To end the tyranny of poverty, wars and injustice, it is essential to implement a ‘wholistic’ system for the world. A wholistic system mutually links everything within a sphere. It is based on proven science that despite there being the illusion of linear motion, in the real Universe all motion is circular.

An analogy that explains a ‘wholistic’ perception, is the analog watch where time is visually referenced to a circle that displays an entire twelve hour period. A digital watch on the other hand best explains a linear perception, it only serves to inform the current time.

Time is not linear, it is the wholistic measure of a circular motion that is common to all life. Time measures the twenty four hour period that it takes for the earth to rotate on its axis. The year with its seasons, is the measure of the earths orbit around the sun. A month is a measure based on the moon’s orbit around the earth, etc.

A ‘wholistic’ approach is to sensibly reverse what has caused the endless poverty, tyranny and wars. This means that the debt based monetary system has to be cancelled and the concentration of incorporated assets, must be returned for the productive benefit of the great body of people. A new and precise mandate for the establishment must be provided based on natural scientific principles.

Gold stored in the national treasury, is an asset that belongs to each one of its citizens. When that gold is properly valued and used to back the currency, there is no requirement for a central bank to act as the counter party that issues synthetic inflationary money as debt. The nation can and will responsibly use its own wealth capital and not debt, as the means to fund wealth creating enterprises.

Gold is a fully accountable monetary asset par excellence, it is exquisite, rare, precious, tangible, portable and divisible. As a monetary metal it has proven to hold asset prices stable over periods of several hundred years. As monetary wealth, it is ‘wholistic’, its economic value benefits the nation as a whole and the individual. It is definitely not digital money, it is stable, tangible and completely accountable. It cannot be programmed, counterfeited, hacked, duplicated by numerous competing versions, legislated out of existence or lost in cyberspace.

The levels of enterprise under a gold standard are normally more than sufficient to renew or add to the nation’s wealth. Meaning that the nation’s gold reserves remain intact in the treasury, as a source of constant wealth to back the currency. The treasuries stock of gold will only be depleted under exceptional unproductive circumstances, such as to pay for wars or imperial extravaganza. This has been the case throughout history.

Without the corrupt benefit of synthetic paper to derive a book keeping monetary leverage. The unproductive in society, are no longer unfairly able to speculate using paper values in order to live and prosper off the economic backs of others.

Gold is indestructible and yet it is easily divisible, it is used for delicate gold leaf and fine jewelry. All the gold ever produced still exists today. The amount of gold mined each year, approximately equates to the growth in population.

For several thousand years, gold has provided a store of value that has protected wealth for the generations to come. A Roman gold coin today has approximately the same purchasing power as in Roman times. Roman paper money or counterfeit money, would have long ago disintegrated into nothingness.

Gold has a natural inbuilt compound interest that protects the holder from the continual devaluation of the central banker’s synthetic fiat. 

Today gold is fluctuating in the region of $2,000 plus an ounce and has increased by over 10,000% from $20.67 an ounce in 1913, when the private Federal Reserve Bank was given the mandate to issue the nation’s currency.  

Synthetic money has been used to transfer over 97% of the nations wealth that was used to back the original private Federal Reserve dollar, to a few connected entities. The 1913 dollar for the majority, has lost at least 97% of its value and it is now worth less than 3 cents. 

Gold does not have a national currency and is accepted or exchanged as a unit of monetary wealth anywhere in the world.

For several thousand years every country in the world has used either gold or silver, to trade internationally without the need for fluctuating artificial exchange rates. It provides a precise guarantee of full monetary worth that is acceptable to both parties.

A gold standard provides assurances, that a nation’s finances are independent from monetary subordination to a foreign controlled private central banking cartel. 

The practical question ought to be, how best to transition from a deeply flawed linear world system based on beliefs, to a factual world system based on the principles of circular motion.

It should come as no surprise to find that our beliefs, are ideas that create ideologies and they are unscientific nonsense. Every ideology requires the administration of an executive and this bureaucracy imposes the tyranny of countless rules, laws and regulations which remove our freedoms, while on the other hand they provide monstrous favors to a few. 

Living in an interconnected sphere means that if we apply the correct passive, then everything naturally prospers. We have absolutely no need for ideologies or the tyranny of countless rules, laws and regulations. We have the sun to provide perpetual sustenance and vitamin D for our immune system, the family to perpetuate and provide a society with stable social values, plus gold as natural wealth in the treasury along with silver to finance a system of perpetual equitable prosperity.

The gross injustices of the ism ideologies, have loaded the dice in favor of the establishment overlords who are charged with the mandates to implement ideologies. The pernicious ism ideologies overseen by establishment overlords are central bank monetarism, corporatism, socialism, communism, legalism, militarism and markets that are nothing more than manipulated predatory capitalism. To return the world to a natural balance, all of these ideologies need to be unwound.

Money defines our enterprise, independence, prosperity and economic freedom. The transition must start with the parasitic evil of central bank monetarism and its spawn of corporatism.

To establish an honest monetary system, the first and foremost requirement is to entirely eliminate the burden of all private and national debt, while debt that is held by incorporated bodies needs to be retained for the duration of the reset.

This approach would provide a manageable way to transfer incorporated wealth and natural resources back to the great body of people. Assets values that were inflated by artificial paper leverage, will return to their true value under a gold standard. Corporations that are no longer able to justify the enormous levels of debt on their balance sheets, will be forced to liquidate.

Until a gold standard is fully operational and asset prices have completely stabilized, the liquidated corporate wealth and the looted wealth on the central bank’s balance sheets should probably be held in a temporary trust. The less fortunate and vulnerable in society will need to be protected. Nationalizing corporations might at first appear to be an easy solution. However opportunity and wealth creation needs, to be decentralized and returned to the individual.

“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”  –  Sir, Isaac Newton’s third law of physics

To get life firmly back under control, requires that people demand full release from the obscene paradigm of synthetic debt issuance and the incorporation of the world’s economic resources.

A hard asset currency must be implemented and the debt peddling sixty or so, private central banks that form the cartel of monetary agencies which operate under the Bank for International Settlements in Basle Switzerland. Such as The Federal Reserve Bank, The Bank of England, The Bank of Japan, The European Central Bank, The Swiss National Bank, The Bank of China, The Bank of India, etc., should be made defunct and the trillions in stolen wealth on their balance sheets returned.

Until it finds fair market value, where price is no longer derived from the artificial leverage of paper finance. Shock and awe will follow when every asset deflates against gold, which is nature’s money.

To implement a gold standard and return incorporated assets that were unfairly derived from the leverage of paper debt, issued at preferential interest rates. Requires that for the duration of the reset, all publicly incorporated institutions must retain their existing debt liabilities at or near the penal credit card interest rates normally reserved for the less privileged in society. As assets under a gold standard deflate to fair market value, the capital imbalance and penal interest will necessitate the transfer of incorporated economic resources back to the great body of people on the planet.

From these reactionary steps that are based on Newton’s third law of physics “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,” the reward of a just society with new found economic and social structures will ensure THE PERFECT LIFE.

The natural world is endowed with all the dimensions. It can restore the balance of common sense, bring back prosperity, end the deadlock to human progress and initiate a new renaissance of knowledge, fraternity and freedom. A golden age of enlightenment and creativity in all aspects of education, arts, music, language, societal well-being, commerce, enterprise and the sciences. When as their rightful heritage, humanity take control of the Earth and their own destiny. 

HOW THE NATURAL WORLD WORKS blog explores, identifies and defines, the inner nature of everything from the genius intellects of COPERNICUS, GALILEO, LAO TZU, VITRUVIUS, TIBETAN SCHOLARS and OTHER extraordinary minds.