“The strongest affection and utmost zeal, 
should I think promote studies concerned with the most beautiful objects and the most deserving to be known.” 
Nicolaus Copernicus
“The world is a body endowed with all the dimensions
and therefore most perfect ” – GALILEO

This blog brings together knowledge from the genius intellects of Copernicus, Galileo, Vitruvius, Tibetan Scholars, Lao Tzu and other extraordinary people.

Among the many marvels, are the fact that the Universe is a sphere and all motion is circular; The Universe is endowed with all the dimensions and therefore most perfect; Two strands of energy a (neutral) passive and (live) active, provide the power that is required for life to develop, sustain and reproduce; The God gene (VMAT2) is part of our DNA; The evil of artificial intelligence, the intoxication of power and the dogmas of ideology; The Tibetan Secret is that mind is one of the senses, only with this understanding is it possible to know all that there is to know; The Tibetan Wheel of Life pictorial that depicts how everything in life interconnects; A Tibetan illustration that details the extraordinary epic meditative journey to Nirvana and many more revelations.

The blog explains how the natural world works. How it can restore the balance of common sense; bring back prosperity; end the deadlock to human progress and initiate a new renaissance of knowledge, fraternity and freedom. A golden age of enlightenment and creativity in all aspects of education, arts, music, language, societal well-being, commerce, enterprise and the sciences. When as their rightful heritage, humanity take control of the Earth and their own destiny.


“From which it seems to me one may reasonably conclude that for the maintenance of perfect order among the parts of the universe,
it is necessary to say that moveable bodies are movable only circularly;
if there are any that do not move circularly, these are necessarily immovable,
nothing but rest (passive energy) and circular motion (active energy) being suitable to the preservation of order.” 




Is to Explore, discover, Define and establish truths that accord with the reality of life!

“It is vanity to imagine that one can introduce a new philosophy
by refuting this or that author.
It is necessary first to teach the reform of the human mind
and to render it capable
of distinguishing truth from falsehood.”

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)


In terms of our conscious awareness, it is apparent that there are three dimensions of perception. Probably the dominant point of view comes from belief in the dogma and ideas in ideologies; The second is how we integrate with the physical world; The third point of view is cognizance of energy and vitality ‘the power giving continuance of life that is present in all living things.’

To reform the human mind and to render it capable of distinguishing truth from falsehood. Begins with developing the ability to differentiate between the world of beliefs, the physical world and the spiritual world.


For over twelve hundred years, Tibet with an estimated 5,000 monasteries plus 500,000 monks and nuns was an astounding centre of knowledge. The Tibetans identified an indispensable understanding about beliefs and posted this truth at the entrance to every temple. It will guide those who seek to make sense of the injustice, poverty and suffering in the world:

‘The beliefs that inform the official narrative, is always based on ignorance, greed and anger’.

Probably all of the major discoveries in the world were made by people who applied logic and used their intellect, in order to question the official narrative.

For example, Marco Polo sailed around a world that was believed to be flat and did not fall over the edge! Galileo proved that the Earth orbits the sun, at a time when everyone else on the planet believed the Earth was stationary. For conveying this information, the establishment of the day, sentenced him to life imprisonment! Alexander Graham Bell defied all odds and invented the telephone at a time when it was believed, to be impossible to speak to someone at a great distance. His invention has led to the development of modern telecommunications.

Thanks to brave souls who in the quest for truth, were prepared to question the belief that informs the official narrative. The world has evolved from the stone age to achieve astounding levels of prosperity and innovation.


Our speech and descriptions are usually based on a perspective of the physical world, it is generally referred to as fact checking. In the material world one plus one make two, which is probably the correct logical thinking from a materialistic point of view.


As Homo sapiens we have the extraordinary ability to calmly transcend all preconceived assumptions and explore depths of knowledge about the one, the other one and the two.

From such an enquiry, it is possible to comprehend the power giving continuance of life that is present in all living things.

Before we can apply reason and explore this esoteric knowledge.

"It is necessary first to teach reform of the human mind  
and to render it capable of distinguishing truth from falsehood"
Galileo Galilei (1564 -1642)




“To know that we know what we know, 
and to know that we do not know what we do not know, 
that is true knowledge” 
Nicholaus Copernicus



“In the first place, we must observe that the universe is spherical. 
This is either because a sphere is the figure 
that is the most perfect, whole, and complete in itself; 
or it is because a sphere is the most capacious and therefore, 
the best suited to contain and preserve all things.” 
Nicolaus Copernicus

One thing is for certain, with its capacious ability to contain and preserve all things, our Universe is the ultimate degree of sustainable perfection. There is a naturally prolific ecology to provide for sustenance; the social role of the family to provide for civilization; and refined golden economics to provide for equitable commerce.

The continual ecological cycle, the continual humanism of family values and the continual prosperity generated by sound money, provide all the elements for a prosperous life.

The world does not need the corruption that follows from bureaucratic systems with a myriad laws, rules and regulations based on economic, social or other ideologies! 


“I therefore took this opportunity and also began to consider the possibility that the Earth moved. Although it seemed to be an absurd opinion. Nevertheless, because I knew that others before me had been granted the liberty of imagining whatever circles they wished about the phenomena of the stars. I thought that I would likewise be allowed to test, by assuming some motion of the Earth, whether more dependable representations than theirs could be found for the revolutions of the heavenly spheres.”  
Copernicus  'On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres'

Copernicus, the world’s most extraordinary genius with degrees from three prestigious universities, was an eminent scholar. Apart from his revolutionary study of astronomy, he was a master mathematician, a practicing physician, a renowned economist, a distinguished physicist, a governor, a diplomat and a theologian. 


As an economist, Copernicus was charged with the task of rectifying the Polish State finances, that is how he formulated the Quantity Theory of Money:

Nations are not ruined by one act of violence, 
but gradually and in an almost imperceptible manner
by depreciation of their circulating currency,
through its excessive quantity.” 

Over five hundred years later through the issue of debt based money ie a system where all money is borrowed into existence. It has allowed a cartel of privately owned central banks provide unlimited finance to corporations and billionaire individuals.

Excessive money printing, has instituted the corporate means to implement a totalitarian system of complete technocratic control and impoverishment of the common people!


As an astronomer and a mathematician, Copernicus the world’s most extraordinary genius was the first person to observe that the earth orbits around the sun! Galileo subsequently proved this was correct and the heliocentric system, is now an established scientific fact.

“Moreover, since the sun remains stationary,
 whatever appears as a motion of the sun 
is really due rather to the motion of the earth.” 
Nicholaus Copernicus

Despite having proof that the sun in our solar system is motionless and it is the Earth that moves. In a mass psychosis, we are convinced that the sun rises, it moves in a linear motion across the sky and then the sun sets!


“When therefore I long considered the uncertainty of traditional mathematics. It began to weary me that among philosophers, 
who have studied the minutest detail of a sphere so exactly
in other respects. That a more definite explanation did not exist
for the movement of the world-machine, which was established
on our behalf, by the best and most systematic builder of all.”
Nicolaus Copernicus

In stating that the Universe is spherical, Copernicus was unequivocal. It clearly means that absolutely everything in the Universe, relates to a sphere. It is why every motion, as well as every shape and every phenomenon in the Universe, beautifully corresponds to a sphere.

We are perfect creations of a perfect Universe, encapsulated within its perfect sphere and subject to its perfect laws. This totally astounding knowledge is the key to comprehend the inner nature of every aspect of creation.

It is over five hundred years, since the revelation that the Universe is a sphere and given that absolutely everything that exists within a sphere, must relate to a sphere. In a mass psychosis, we still continue to believe the impossible, that somehow life and motion are linear! 

The minutest details in the Universe relate to a sphere. There are no straight lines in God’s spiritual creation (the Universe), absolutely every shape in nature has a degree of curvature. The spherical law of the Universe is so precise, that it is impossible to draw a perfect straight line without the aid of a mechanical device!

There are cyclical movements everywhere you look, from the planets that continually orbit the sun, the seasons, the tides, day and night, the inhalation and exhalation of our breath, eyelids, heartbeat and all bodily functions are cyclical.

To pick something up, your arm must move in an arc. All our body joints are curved to enable circular movement. Sound moves in waves, water swirls around an outlet, a stone in a pond makes circular waves, there is an electricity circuit, a circle of friends, the family circle. We refer to the solar sphere, the ecological sphere, the economic sphere, the civilization sphere and our personal sphere.

We discuss and analyze the ecological cycle, the economic cycle, the cycle of life and death cycle. It is evident that every phenomenon in the Universe, beautifully corresponds to a sphere.



“These things which I am saying now may be obscure, yet they will be made clearer in their proper place” 
COPERNICUS (1473 - 1543)
Energy is intuitive and deeply mysterious, it cannot be seen, tasted, touched, heard, smelled or grasped! Absolutely nothing manifests or exists without its power!!

Power is derived from an electric circuit that contains two contrasting strands of energy. As with electrical wiring, the live (active) and neutral (passive) strands of energy combine and this connection supplies the power or voltage!

AN ELECTRIC CIRCUIT IS DEFINED AS: “A closed path that consists of circuit components in which electrons from a voltage, or current source can flow.”

Copernicus was a master mathematician and the world’s most extraordinary genius, he defined the Universe as a closed path!

“First of all, we must note that the Universe is spherical”  

“In a circle, beginning and end cannot be distinguished from each other.” 


It means that every sphere in the Universe is a closed path in which electrons from a voltage, or current source can flow!


Two hundred and fifty years before there was knowledge of electromagnetism. Copernicus stated that not only is every sphere a closed path (which forms an electric circuit), it has two strands of energy. It has an active energy and a passive energy (which combine to provide power or voltage).

 “The motion of a sphere is rotation in a circle” (the active energy);

 “Everything within a sphere, has to conform with the whole.” (the passive energy)  


The essence of Copernican electromagnetic physics, is that every sphere of life no matter how minute or how enormous the sphere. Is not only a circuit in which electrons from a voltage, or current source can flow. Every sphere of life no matter how minute or how enormous the sphere. Has both an active energy and a passive energy that provides the voltage, to power the activity within its sphere!

There are multitudes of spheres in the Universe and spheres within spheres. Every sphere is a closed path with an electromagnetic circuit that can provide it with the power it requires to develop, sustain and reproduce.

Take for example a fly, or any kind of organism, it requires power in order to live, develop and reproduce. The fly or organism has its own sphere, it has a closed path that provides an electromagnetic circuit!

To provide the power or voltage which enables it to live, develop and reproduce. The passive energy of the insect, conjoins with the active energy continually generated by the planets which orbit in the solar sphere.

This tiny little insect (organism) with its individual sphere and its electromagnetic circuit, exists within the vast solar sphere. There are countless myriads of such individual spheres (organisms) and they all co-exist, within our solar sphere.

“In the real Universe, there are a myriad of circular motions 
and consequently a myriad of centers”

As with every living organism, were you to kill the fly. In a flash, its body falls back to the earth from where it came and the active energy that has powered the insect, releases back to the solar sphere from which it came!

It is a miracle of the Universe that energy continuously flows and seeks to find matter, where the seeds for renewal can configure to create life. It is most likely that a new fly (organism) with the passive energy to form an electric circuit, in a perpetual cycle of renewal, will birth from the energy and matter in our solar sphere. 

“We can take wood and see it go up in fire and light, 
but we do not see them recombine to form wood;
We see fruits and flowers and a thousand other solid bodies
dissolve into odors, but we do not observe these fragrant atoms coming together to form fragrant solids.
Where our senses fail us reason must step in”.
Every sphere of life is a closed path
that provides an electromagnetic circuit in which electrons, from a voltage or current source can flow

For Homo sapiens, like every organism that lives and breathes on Earth, our individual sphere integrates with the solar sphere. Our passive energy is the breath of life. Our breath connects with the active energy that is continuously generated by the macrocosmic orbits of planets in the solar sphere, to provide the power we need to live, develop and reproduce. 

Apart from the countless myriads of organisms that live, breathe, develop and reproduce. The solar sphere has provided three absolutely enormous spheres.

They are the ecological sphere, the civilization sphere and the economic sphere!

The ecological, the civilization and the economic spheres are massive energy centers with power to provide everything in life that is essential for the health, happiness and wealth of everyone.

A myriad spheres of activity, integrate within the ecological, the civilization and the economic spheres. Each one of them has an electric circuit in which electrons from a voltage, or current source can flow! 

Copernicus the world’s most extraordinary genius, through his electromagnetic knowledge of spheres, identified and defined utopia. He provided an entirely new knowledge of how the natural world works.

“These things which I am saying now may be obscure, yet they will be made clearer in their proper place!”

It is impossible to have motion, emotion or the continuance of life without the power from a passive and an active stand of energy. Yet due to an obsession with the material world and belief in the illusion of linear motion. We have ignored the role of passive energy and paid no notice, to the power created by the electromagnetic circuit in spheres.

To ensure an ecological, social and economic cycle of sustainable perfection, with immense prosperity and human fulfillment. When a correct energy passive to form the electric circuit is applied to the ecological sphere, the economic sphere and the civilization sphere.

Then every of aspect of life perpetually prospers!

“Only circular motion is uniform. 
In circular motion every point of the circumference 
is a beginning and an end.”   




The Universe, is wrought for us 
by a supremely good and orderly Creator.” 
Nicolaus Copernicus

The Universe is perfection, it is endowed with all the dimensions. The laws of the Universe are absolute, self sufficient, objective and should not be subjected to human decisions or conventions!

Through electromagnetic energy, 
the Universe provides a natural passive
for every sphere of activity.

The sun is the energy or passive that ensures a prolific ecology, which provides sustenance for every form of life. The family unit is the energy or passive that ensures a stable civilization of like minded people. Refined golden economics, is the energy or passive that ensures every person on the planet prospers.

With the sun in the heavens, the humanism of the family unit and the natural monetary wealth of gold. The world is endowed with a natural abundance of prosperity and it does not need to have the imposition of a top down bureaucracy based on economic, social or other ideologies! 

It is the utmost bureaucratic evil and ignorance for a human to assume authority over another human. There is absolutely no ideological, or other need, for any aspect of creation to be socially engineered, financially engineered, genetically engineered, military engineered, legally engineered, geo-engineered, biologically engineered or cyber engineered with artificial intelligence. 

These predatory tools, are intended for subjugation and add precisely nothing that is of substantial benefit to the human race. They create inequitable divisions that advantage a few and destroy the natural ecological, civilization and economic cycles that benefit everyone.



“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this, Winston—ALWAYS THERE WILL BE THE INTOXICATION OF POWER, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking into the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.”  


Tomorrow’s world, it’s going to be all about power…technological power, economic, financial, monetary,
cultural power – all will be decisive.
Europe cannot be shy any longer about using its power!

Bruno Le Marie,
French Finance Minister, November 2018
“Real power is, 
I don’t even want to use the word, fear!”
Donald Trump

"What is good?
All that enhances the feeling of power, the Will to Power, and the power itself in man. 
What is bad? All that proceeds from weakness.
What is happiness? The feeling that power is increasing— that resistance has been overcome. 
Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but competence. 
The first principle of our humanism is that the weak and the failures shall perish. 
And they ought to be helped to perish." 

Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist published 1895

We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world or make it the last!

John F. Kennedy
Assassinated November, 1963


Assassinated January 30, 1948



"They know that it is human nature to take up causes whereby a man may oppress his neighbor, no matter how unjustly.... 
Hence they have no trouble in finding men,
who would preach the damn ability and heresy of the new doctrine from the very pulpit..."
  • When religious institutions possess power. They govern and control through a myriad laws, rules and regulations that are based on imposing a religious belief;
  • When corporate institutions possess power. They govern and control through a myriad laws, rules and regulations that are based on imposing the technocracy of artificial intelligence;
  • When political institutions possess power. They govern and control through a myriad laws, rules and regulations that are based on imposing a totalitarian dictatorship;
  • When the self chosen possess power. They govern and control, through a myriad laws, rules and regulations that are based on imposing invented communism;
  • When the military industrial complex possess power. They govern and control through a myriad laws, rules and regulations that are based on imposing perpetual war;
  • When the WHO /pharmaceutical complex possess power. They govern and control through a myriad laws, rules and regulations that are based on imposing perpetual vaccinations;
  • When the central bank cartel possess power. They govern and control through a myriad laws, rules and regulations that are based on imposing endless money printing. 
“There is no medicine for the bite of a parasite!”  


We are perfect creations of a perfect Universe and subject to its perfect laws. It is our DNA! 

It is a biological fact that each person has been given a God gene (VMAT2). By virtue of the God gene, every human being on the planet is a distinct majestic, very beautiful, dignified and impressive individual entity.

We have two bodies and both of them are vulnerable, they can easily be mutilated, damaged or annihilated. Apart from a physical body that is equipped with organs, limbs, etc., we have an etheric body. It is a dimensional aspect of life that we do not see, taste , touch, smell or hear. It comprises the genome, a set of DNA with the genetic material that our physical body requires to function.

As we proceed on our epic journey through life and thread a path with numerous warnings of imminent danger. It would appear that most people are very much confused, bewildered and ill prepared.

Whenever danger threatens or the circumstances are far from certain, it is wise to take stock and define our situation.

"Measure what can be measured, 
and make measurable
what cannot be measured.”

We have been conditioned to use the term artificial intelligence, as though such intelligence was a normal occurrence. Artificial intelligence is anything that does not have a soul and without a soul, it is unable to have a conscience. If artificial intelligence is soulless and does not have a conscience, then it cannot have empathy, compassion, regrets, remorse or love for anything.

With such a dystopian or post-apocalyptic definition, how can we possibly allow any form of artificial intelligence to dictate the future for humanity?

The term Homo sapiens is latin to indicate that we have the DNA of wise people! Apart from a simplistic notion that we have inherited DNA from our parents and ancestors, how many of us are aware of the wider genetic implications of DNA? It is as though there is an entire dimension to our lives that is hidden.

Fortunately most of the facts about DNA have been scientifically defined and it remains for us to comprehend, the enormous implications.

Homo sapiens need to take stock, measure what can be measured and make measurable what cannot be measured.


The entire human genome. the complete set of DNA (genetic material), has been mapped to an accuracy of 99.999%;

your God gene is called Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 (VMAT2). as far as one can ascertain, the vmat2 gene is totally distinct to humans.

  1. DNA isSoftware that stores and interprets the genetic information which underpins all life;
  2. DNA is the genetic Link'that integrates the physical body with the Universe;
  3. DNA is defined as a ‘Double Strand’that provides the genetic instructions which enables an organism to develop, live and reproduce;
  4. DNA and its genetic code, defines the ‘Identity’ of an organism and helps to shape its persona;
  5. DNA is so unique and individual that no ‘Two‘ humans, plants, animals, insects, etc., have ever been created exactly the same!

In our fortunate situation we are Homo sapiens (wise persons), we evolve or regress in conscious awareness, share emotions and are equipped with the cognitive ability to reason, question and seek answers.

Animals and others are given a different DNA.

Your physical body continually alters and over a seven year period, every cell of your body renews. It is probable that in the course of your lifetime you will have the equivalent of ten or twelve bodies, yet your leading strand of DNA never changes.

The existence of DNA to explain how life is much more complex than the organs of the physical body, is a relatively recent discovery. Four scientists unravelled “the secret of life” in 1953. Crick, Franklin, Watson, and Wilkins co-discovered the double-helix structure of DNA which forms the basis for modern biotechnology.

Without a shadow of doubt, the DNA that gives continuance of life, is the most precious and vital gift that the Universe provides!

Absolutely no one should be permitted to alter it.

The harm from genetic modification of DNA in humans, plants, animals, etc., is too horrific to contemplate.



A corporation is ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and does not have a conscience. It is a contrived and unnatural creation based on the acceptance of a purely notional framework. A corporation does not have a soul, a DNA or a genetic code to provide empathy, compassion, regrets, remorse or love for the principles of life.

Some corporations, provided with unlimited finance, have evolved to become more powerful than entire nations. When entrusted with corporate governance, they use robotics and artificial intelligence to sever the human link.

To sever the human link, they use robotics to replace people in the workplace.

To sever personal freedom, they use artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor, censor and control every aspect of human activity. 

The most evil corporations use genetic engineering to sever continuance in the cycle of life. They are Merchants of Death, involved in genetic modification of DNA in humans, animals, plants, insects and other forms of life.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) with its satanic symbolism, acts as the venomous head of these soulless corporate serpents.


Absolutely nothing from the WEF affiliation or any entity that uses
666 in its symbolism, is intended to benefit humanity.
Code 666 (the devil’s number) signifies pure evil with no redeeming qualities.
This type of villain cannot show empathy, compassion, regrets, remorse, or love for anyone!

The WEF affiliation of corporations in conjunction with the UN, have developed and published a satanic master plan to control and subjugate the world. The UN agenda is called sustainable development (agenda 21 and agenda 2030). The WEF plan to control and subjugate the world is the Great Reset, which they define as the fourth industrial revolution.

The number 1 stated objective of the World Economic Forum, is that by 2030 you’ll own nothing and (with a genetically modified DNA) you’ll be happy.

‘Debt and money based on debt are not real things, they are legal constructs that are designed to take away real things. The taking away of real things leads to deprivation and to subjugation.

The imposition of quantitative tightening (reducing global liquidity), means that people who are trapped by extortionate interest charges will lose everything. When interest on debt and the repayment of debt become impossible to meet, then all private property and businesses financed by debt will be taken.

Most people are totally unaware that in the illiquid markets caused by liquidity tightening, the opaque two quadrillion dollar derivative complex will collapse.  The fact of the matter is. Without ever expanding debt (liquidity), the entire financial system will shut down. When the financial implosion happens, the legal mechanism has been put in place for 98% of all cash on deposit plus all registered stocks and shares to be transferred from private ownership.

For certain in the liquidity induced depression, caused by the private owners of the central banks as part of the global hybrid war against humanity. The financial system has been designed to collapse and take all wealth, so you’ll own nothing.’

The currency to provide a universal basic income (UBI), will be an allotted central bank digital wallet (central bank digital currency). A digital identity (QR code) will permanently link everyone to artificial intelligence (AI). Using climate change as the motive, all farming on the land and sea will cease. People will be housed in allocated spaces and kept on lockdown in smart-grid cities, where a diet of artificial foods and edible bugs are produced

With 5G and 6G technology, artificial Intelligence (AI) will provide a meta-verse of CYBER REALITY. Where individuals through implanted nano technology, will digitally interface with a corporate (AI) controlled internet of bodies!  United Nations Agenda 2030, COVID-19, THE GREAT RESET and THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION by Klaus Schwab leader and founder of the WEF.

At that juncture, the digital prison monitored and controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) is complete and the apocalypse to end God’s spiritually connected race begins. For Homo sapiens and the human soul it is FINITO, the end! 

“To me a great ineptitude exists on the part of those who would have it that God made the universe more in proportion to the small capacity of their reason, than to His immense, His infinite power."   


God’s spiritual creation 'the Universe' is a vast, rich and prosperous cycle of life and vitality. Where nature is prolific and the Earths terrestrial life that comprises a myriad inhabitants are born, sustain and recreate.

In direct contrast to this rich and prosperous cycle. The injection of mRNA (an artificial DNA) by the corporate merchants of death, is pharmaceutical engineering that creates a genetically modified organism (GMO).

  1. When a synthetic or chemical DNA is inserted into a host genome, the genetic composition transmutes from its original anatomical structure;
  2. Transformed from its intended anatomical structure. The genetic connection that links the body with the Universe is severed; 
  3. When the genetic connection that integrates the body with the Universe is severed. The genetically modified organism, regardless of age or health, exits the rich and prosperous cycle of life and immediately a death spiral starts.

Deprived of the genetic connection that gives continuance in the cycle of life. The seeds of the injected organism such as the seed in a food producing plant, an animal such as a cow, an insect, human, etc., or its offspring are no longer able to reproduce. With the genetic connection that provides natural immunity severed. The ability of the body to fight disease is weakened.

The death spiral never ends. God’s spiritual creation (the Universe) provides a black hole for removal from the cycle of physical existence. A black hole in the Universe, is a place with a gravitational field so intense that nothing can exit!

To be trapped by genetic mutilation in a black hole for eternity with no possibility of escape, is probably what is meant by Hades a state of death that is worse than hell. Where you wish to die, but cannot die and without a soul or genetic code that connects the etheric body with the Universe, cannot be reborn.

“You cannot teach a person anything, 
only help them to understand what they already know”  

Under the guise of preventative medicine, it would appear that every baby, man, woman and child on the planet are being presented with no other option, but to submit to the pharmaceutical protocol and be genetically modified by mRNA gene editing. It is the final battle for the human soul, between good (God) and forces that intend the most horrific demonic evil.

“All those that hate me (GOD), love death” – Proverbs 8:36.

With the most horrendous demonic objective imaginable. The mRNA technology is an artificial single strand of DNA, formulated with a genetic messenger that if programmed can eliminate the God gene. Without the God gene, the identity of the person changes to transhuman with the appearance of a human being. – If the relationship between the etheric body and the Universe is unstable, the person becomes an automaton. For the physical body of man must be polished on this earth by spiritual will.”


“You see the difference of this fourth industrial revolution is it doesn’t change what you are doing, it changes you.  If you take genetic editing, just as an example, it’s you who are changing. And of course, this has a big impact on your identity!”

The interview with Charlie Rose can be found with a Google search and on Brighteon:

Also Google "HUMANS ARE NOW HACKABLE ANIMALS" the abhorrent, repugnant and utterly reprehensible presentation by Yuval Noah Harari, lecturer in The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and senior adviser to the WEF.

To achieve the 2030 deadline for the Great Reset where you will own nothing and be happy. Without empathy, compassion, regret, remorse or love for anyone, they will engineer conditions which accelerate the transition. They will mandate a digital identity (QR code) that will permanently link us to artificial intelligence; Impose health passports that are controlled by the World Health Organization for travel, work, school and social interaction; Introduce a central bank digital currency that completely controls what people can spend; Implement a totalitarian censorship of the internet and all social media platforms; Promote eating bugs which belong to natures death cycle and are not meant to be fresh food; Stage a truly horrific false flag or provocative events that will divide people, so that the WEF politicians on the left and right along with the WEF media can expand and perpetuate the human butchery of endless wars; Release a more deadly virus that affects infants and children; Introduce mRNA gene editing technology into all vaccines; Inject all animals with mRNA; Orchestrate a bird flu pandemic to create shortages of affordable meat and eggs; Confiscate agricultural land and cull all livestock; Stage the demolition of stock markets and tighten bank credit in order to collapse world currencies; Instigate a series of oil and energy crises, to disintegrate the economic and social dynamic of every country; Geo-engineer the weather to ensure we live in fear and anxiety.

In the final stage of the ‘satanic’ great reset master plan to genetically modify the DNA, of all living things. Promote a contrived climate change agenda, to control the food supply and exercise dominion over all the people in the world!

– Henry Kissinger
Kissinger and associated societies whose members are sworn to satanic secrecy,
have been mentors to Klaus Schwab and the WEF young global leaders since the inception of the WEF


It is evident that transhuman protocols are designed for people who are expendable, who own nothing and whose reproductive seed is sterile. They are cyborg, a cybernetic organism that has been pharmaceutically created by mRNA technology and ruled by artificial intelligence.

It is then the end of the DNA that created our species Homo sapiens. There will no longer be wise people, at the centre of our own universe, free to experience life in all its colors and all its potential.

To be informed about trans-human protocols and the great reset, or what Klaus Schwab has described as the fourth industrial revolution that will lead to “the systematic transformation of the world“. Read UN agenda 21, UN agenda 2030 and the horrific books written by Klaus Schwab. Research the WEF ‘satanic cult’ website plus the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the George Soros Open Society and examine the list and words of the WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL).

The Young Global Leaders are the WEF cult protégé trained and appointed to act as politicians, prime ministers, presidents, cabinet members, governors, media, central bankers, powerful hedge funds, military generals, judiciary, heads of social media, institutes, organizations, foundations, pharmaceutical corporations and corporate conglomerates selected to implement the Great Reset and the systematic transformation of the world.  

If you wish to remain part of the power giving continuance of life that is present in all living things, to maintain the parameters of your human genome and that of your children intact. It is imperative to avoid taking mRNA gene editing injections, they are instruments designed to eliminate the DNA that underpins life and have absolutely nothing to do with healthcare!  

To be digitally linked to artificial intelligence, to own nothing and made to rely on a central bank digital currency. To have been genetically modified without empathy, compassion, regret or remorse. To have been sterilized, the DNA of your immune system hacked and your natural connection to the Universe destroyed. Is never the result of an error or a policy mistake. Not only are you and a great many of your loved ones made to suffer the horrendous anguish of financial, medical and psychological trauma in this life, but are to be wrongfully condemned to a black hole for eternity!

Dr Sucharit Bhakti : “You will be genetically transformed forever”

And who can doubt that it will lead to the worst disorders, when minds created free by God are compelled to submit slavishly to an outside will? When we are told to deny our senses and subject them to the whim of others? When people devoid of whatsoever competence are made judges over experts and are granted authority to treat them as they please? These are the novelties that are apt to bring about ruin of commonwealths and the subversion of the state.” -GALILEO

If you harbor the slightest doubt about the GENETIC EVIL of injecting a NEW DNA or an artificial mRNA, into any person, tiny insect or any food producing plant. In what is chilling and casually referred to as merely tinkering with the natural genome. SATANIC SCIENTISTS have injected DNA that genetically alters daddy long legs insects, to become daddy short legs!!!


How The Natural World Works


With the most powerful occult (devil worship) plan to inject mRNA that will genetically mutate the identity of every baby, man, woman and young child on the planet. While they clearly faked their own injections. The WEF satanic cult and their political puppets have forfeited the mandate to rule.

To serve the abominable agenda, a small, but committed group of skilled liars who were brought up to hate the people they are talking to. Have been put in charge of most if not all public institutions, the main stream media and government appointed positions! They should never again be trusted with public office.

Extremely wise people (maxime sapientes) with a calm awareness, of the challenge to genetically continue to exist into a wonderful new era of knowledge, fraternity and freedom. Must commit to the highest endeavor, when as their rightful heritage, humanity take control of the Earth and their own destiny.


It is the utmost bureaucratic evil and ignorance for a human to assume authority over another human.

To end the continual infliction of human suffering, misery and poverty. Institutions involved in social engineering, financial engineering, military engineering, legal engineering, genetic engineering, geo-engineering, bio-engineering and cyber engineering to create artificial intelligence, must be dismantled. The corrupt should be held to account and proper restitution made!

Social, financial, military, legal, genetic, geo, bio and cyber engineering are predatory tools used for subjugation and add precisely nothing of substantial benefit, for the human race. Each serves to profit corporations and a few individuals with obscene levels of wealth and power, only to destroy the economy, the ecology and society that serves to benefit everyone.

Elon Musk – CERN is “demonic technology unlike anything the world has ever seen”.


The Universe is perfection, it is endowed with all the dimensions. The Universe is so precisely ordered that a molecule does not exist without a purpose. The laws of the Universe are absolute, self sufficient and objective, they should not be subjected to human decisions or conventions!




GALILEO: Two Principal World Systems

Humans do not need a WORLD SYSTEM based on ideological dogmas, repugnant secret societies or the sham of uni-party politics. 

IN THE NATURAL WORLD, ALL MOTION IS CIRCULAR. The natural world provides ‘Perfect & Inviolable Energy Cycles’ that ensure a super abundance of health, happiness, and wealth!



Perfect & Inviolable Energy Cycles


The sun, the family and gold provide the world with all the stamina, all the heart and all the astuteness required to assure that there is more than sufficient prosperity.
  1. Good health is stamina that is supplied, by nutritious and delicious foods which are super abundantly produced in the prolific ecological cycle; 
  2. The bliss of happiness is the rich emotional well being that is supplied, by respecting the wonderful cycles which come from the humanism of family values; 
  3. Equitable wealth is provided by the permanent cycle of prosperity that materializes from the introduction of gold, which is natures money;
  4. The attributes of the sun, the family and gold are inviolable, sovereign, stable, passive and indestructible;
  5. The passive energies of the sun, family and gold provide everything that humanity requires, without any need for man made laws;
  6. They assure that everyone has the confidence, freedom and ability to act, speak or think as one wants;
  7. And they phenomenally cater for the eternal well being of every person on the planet.

For humanity to partake in the perfect life and enjoy a perpetual super abundance of prosperity. The inviolable sun in the heavens, provides the world with a sustainable ecology and ensures every person has ample healthy food. The humanism of the family unit, provides the bliss of happiness and ensures a world where every person inhabits a stable civilization based on like minded values. The natural wealth of gold (sound money), provides the world with a monetary system that ensures every person has an equitable access to commerce and the fruits of production.

The sun, the family and gold are more than sufficient to ensure we have a naturally flourishing ecology, civilization and economy.

“As if it were not a most admirable and praiseworthy feature of demonstrative science, that it springs from and grows out of principles that are well known, understood and conceded by all.”   GALILEO 

BE TOTALLY ASSURED when we finally cease to have secret societies, uni-party politics and a system based on the globalist ideologies of corporatism, socialism, monetarism, communism, wokeism, legalism, militarism and markets that are nothing more than manipulated predatory capitalism. When the foundations for human life and the real world are based entirely on an ample supply of nutritious foods, the humanism of a loving family life and the principles of sound money.

Then for all future time the destiny of you, those you love and the entire world. Will be blessed to the absolute fullest degree with tremendous prosperity, exceptional freedoms, friendships and astounding opportunities.





“Divine intellect, by a simple apprehension of the circle’s essence, knows without time-consuming reasoning all the infinity of its properties.”GALILEO

Because of its fabled life span of a thousand years, the crane is a symbol of happiness and eternal youth. The crane is one of the mystical or holy creatures (others include the dragon and the tortoise) which symbolize, good fortune and longevity.

The crane and tortoise are said to naturally connect with the Jen meridian, these are pathways in the body along which vital energy flows. The meridian or energy flow pathways form the basis of Chinese acupuncture!

From the point of view of the material world, the lungs fill with oxygen when you inhale and carbon dioxide is released when you exhale. Transcend the world of physical chemistry and you will discover that simultaneously vital energy flows through energy flow pathways, in a circulatory orbit within your body.

As you breathe oxygen into the body, vital energy rises in a pathway to the brain. As you exhale, energy flows in a pathway via the spine down to the abdomen and rises back up via the chest to the throat.

Depending on the persons state of conscious awareness, breathing, the breath of life can range from extremely shallow, to deeply meditative!

The ability to naturally connect to the pathways of the Jen Meridian and the Tu Meridian, are said to be the reason why the crane and the tortoise can live for a thousand years!

Energy flow pathways and the breath of life hold the secrets to natural good health, conscious awareness and longevity!

how the natural world works


In the future, there will be opened a gateway and a road to a large and excellent science. Into which minds more piercing than mine, shall penetrate to recesses still deeper.


“I take pleasure in every kind of musical instrument and have paid considerable attention to harmony.

A string which has been struck begins to vibrate and continues the motion as long as one hears the sound. These vibrations cause the immediately surrounding air to vibrate and quiver, then these ripples in the air expand into space and strike not only all the strings of the same instrument, but even those of neighboring instruments. 

Since that string which is tuned to unison with the one plucked is capable of vibrating with the same frequency, it acquires at the first impulse a slight oscillation. After receiving two, three, twenty or more impulses, delivered at proper intervals, it finally accumulates a vibratory motion equal to that of the plucked string, as is clearly shown by the amplitude in vibrations. This undulation expands through the air and sets into vibration not only strings, but also any other body which happens to have the same period as that of the plucked string.”


There is a harmonious mathematical relationship, by which everything has a frequency and responds whenever it is exposed to another vibratory frequency. For example a medic with a love for music, was able to kill certain cancer cells using sounds emitted at an appropriate frequency.

If tapped, a drinking glass will emit a vibratory sound. Apparently the glass will shatter if a sound is emitted with the same vibratory note, though it probably involves a higher frequency.

Objects have been observed to levitate with the application of a particular vibratory frequency.

There is an extraordinary vibration associated with the nature of water. This remarkable explanation is based on the theories of Viktor Schauberger.

In the same way that a marching band strikes a note of false confidence, the Pied Piper story is about the vibratory affect of musical notes on children. Nicola Tesla was able to conduct electricity, presumably by means of frequency. Could mutual attraction, be the resonance of a similar vibratory frequency?  In our personal sphere, we discuss a person’s personality or vibe. We consider how situations resonate or how a particular venue has a great buzz. There are certain types of music, sounds in nature, etc., that emit a vibration which resonates with our inner being.

No matter how tiny or apparently insignificant, no matter how large and seemingly important the sphere, every organism or object (even a stone) emits a vibe. It resonates with a specific voltage or frequency!

A probable explanation for these phenomena, is that the electromagnetic circuit in every sphere has a specific voltage. That voltage is the electromotive force or frequency, that directly corresponds to the energy in the sphere.

“I have often observed, in thus sounding a rather large glass filled nearly full with water, that at first the waves are spaced with great uniformity, and when, as sometime happens, the tone of the glass jumps an octave higher, I have noticed that at this moment each of the aforesaid waves divides into two; a phenomenon which shows clearly that the ratio involved in the octave is two.” – GALILEO

The octave in music has a mathematical sequence of notes that relate to everyday activity. As Galileo proved, the frequency of high doh is twice the vibration of the low doh. Every activity starts with low doh and the activity completes with the frequency of high doh. Take for example a toddler desiring to walk, the first faltering step is the note re (the note of misplaced confidence) on the octave and the entire learning sequence corresponds to each of the notes on the octave until it eventually reaches high doh. At that point the child or anyone else who undertakes a new activity, has mastered it with total confidence. An important lesson from the octave of harmonic perfection, is that far too often we give up before the work (octave) is completed!  

It is entirely feasible to conclude that there are eight types of people. Each corresponds to one of the eight notes in the octave (the harmonic scale of perfection) and each person is a variation, on a tonal pattern.

There is an interesting report on a Max Igan video of a possible invention in which carbon dioxide can be extracted from the atmosphere and then converted to provide a carbon neutral, clean and plentiful locally sourced fuel that totally replaces gasoline/petrol. At the end of the video, there are other possible energy developments that need to be embraced and not made to disappear through legalism, such as the patents in predator corporatism. start at 7 minutes.

How vibrations and frequency affect life, shape personality, how vibrations can be uplifting, healing, pique our curiosity, provide energy or are simply depressing. Is science that remains open to further studies and shared observations.

The full quote on vibration and frequency, is included in the section on GALILEO.

how the natural world works



”This is one of the difficulties which arise when we attempt, with our finite minds, to discuss the infinite, assigning to it those properties which we give to the finite and limited”


Astronomy is the branch of physical science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.

Astrology is an esoteric science, it is defined as the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world’.

A sense of serene humility and an awe inspiring knowledge are derived whenever we adopt the perspective of STANDUNDER. So that we might be in a position to UNDER -STAND the significance of the planetary motions in our solar system.

A serene sense of humility comes from under-standing (standing-under)
the significance of the planetary motions in our solar sphere

The most important astrological energy event happened and most humans are completely unaware. Like a magician who creates an illusion of chaos, the people are being distracted by their leaders, the media and vested interests.

On December 28, 2020, we exited the two thousand plus year age of Pisces and entered the enlightened age of Aquarius.

The enlightened age of Aquarius, will last for more than two thousand years.

The avatar or symbol for Pisces are fish
The avatar for Aquarius is the energy symbol of waves.
Aquarius is described by astrologers as an enlightened age of knowledge, fraternity and freedom:

When as their rightful heritage, humanity take control of the Earth and their own destiny!

how the natural world works




Exquisite Tibetan Image courtesy of the Shelly and Rubin private collection


A bucket of water comprises a myriad of individual drops, yet when they are seen in context, there is one water.

When taken individually, there are a myriad forms of life and yet when seen in context, there is one life.

There is an exercise in personal fulfillment that makes complete sense and it leads to instant enlightenment. It does not require creed, rituals, prayers or mantras that concentrate the mind inwards and exclude all the other senses. It does not require celibacy, or having to neglect your family or to stop enjoying worldly pursuits.  If you use any of your senses to expand microcosmic energy (passive energy) so that it integrates with macrocosmic energy (active energy). Unity occurs, you are rewarded with the bliss and precious treasure of an unwavering will!

The Tibetan Secret Revealed is that the mind is one of the senses. ONLY WHEN IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT MIND IS ONE OF THE SENSES, CAN WE HAVE A PERFECT UNDERSTANDING!

We have six senses, sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell and mind. The six senses are the only means of perception and when the six senses are combined, they naturally provide COMMON SENSE.

All six senses are necessary to provide Homo sapiens with the common sense to cultivate the three virtues in life. With common sense, the three virtues of wisdom, justice and compassion replace the three vices of ignorance greed and anger!


With the senses it is possible to know everything that there is to know! It logically follows that it requires all six senses, to provide the sensory perception that manifests knowledge of ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’!  To comprehend the whole truth and nothing but the truth, each of the six senses must be fully awake and that realization requires your personal effort. 

The only requirement for this exercise that awakens the senses, is stillness and a straight spine to aid your energy flow pathways. Be consciously aware that when you breathe oxygen into your body, vital energy flows in a pathway to the brain. As you breathe out, energy flows in a pathway via the spine to the abdomen and back up via the chest to the throat and nose. These meridian flow pathways are vital to your breath of life!

The following exercise involves an electromagnetic fusion of microcosmic energy and macrocosmic energy. It will birth or cultivate the energy of life and if your focus is maintained, you will be rewarded with the bliss and precious treasure of an unwavering will!
  • Be still, breathe naturally and have a straight spine;
  • Start your focus by listening to sounds, hear or assimilate all the sounds that are immediate to you;
  • Then open attention to include the sounds that are further away, all the time assimilating these sounds and expanding hearing;
  • Continue with your focus to expand hearing. Expand your focus to hear and assimilate sounds that are much more distant;
  • Do not cease expanding and expanding and expanding your focus on sound until you fully realize the reality, of ONE Universal sound;
  • When you arrive at the perception of ONE Universal sound, your sense of hearing is all inclusive and FULLY AWAKE!
  • Your transcendental or intuitive ability, to fuse macrocosmic energy and microcosmic energy is perfected;
  • At that point, the energy of the Universe and the harmony of your breath are in blissful union and you have been rewarded, with the bliss and precious treasure of an unwavering will;
  • Dwell in this realization!

Take time and assimilate this extraordinary energy fusion. The airwaves of the meridian pathways are open and you will enjoy longevity with good health.

Each sense is unique and to realize each sense, requires a different approach. The entire exercise to awaken the senses, is set out in the section THE TIBETAN SECRET REVEALED.

To embrace passive or microcosmic energy and connect it with the active or macrocosmic energy of the Universe, is utopia. Utopia is experienced as pure bliss and an unwavering will.

Your sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell and mind are the keys provided at birth to unlock the mystery of life. The six senses are THE GRAIL (THE CUP) OF ALL KNOWLEDGE and it is up to you to unleash their full energy potential.

There are of course other methods whereby we integrate our microcosmic energy with the macrocosmic energy of the Universe. Galileo apparently made the microcosmic and the macrocosmic energy fusion through his diligent study of the firmament and then risked his life at the hands of the religious inquisition, to write his enlightened dialogue on the two chief world systems. “I decided to appear openly in the theater of the world as a witness of the sober truth!” – GALILEO.

Our religious prayers are offered in humility to a greater source, meaning we reverently connect our microcosmic energy with macrocosmic energy. There are wonderful Tibetan chants and extraordinary Sanskrit shlokas, that have the power to invoke serene humility, etc. For the practitioner, each of these in their own way can serve to unite microcosmic energy and macrocosmic energy.

The above exercise in sensory perception that leads to enlightenment, does not bind the mind in the dogma of ideological beliefs or indulge the mind in the hyperbole of a myriad words. It is senseless to suppress any of the senses, to over indulge complexity or fail to fully embrace the sensual enjoyments of life!

Each one of our six senses, is a unique stand alone sphere and wonderfully able to conduct the spiritual energy that powers the extraordinary wheel of life!

how the natural world works


Tibet was the center of Buddhism for over 1200 years. Tibet drew Sanskrit scholars from all over Asia and became the spiritual hub of the world. It helped to provide a counter balance to the rapid growth of a materialistic world. With a population that is estimated at approximately 5 million people. Tibet had over 5,000 monasteries and 500,000 monks and nuns before the un-Godly communist invasion of their country. The communists slaughtered most of the monks and left 5 monasteries standing.

The consciousness of the world changed with the fall of Tibet and since then, the introduction of globalist (communist) ideologies have promoted a secular existence!

A Wheel of Life tangka pictorial, normally painted by one of the monks, was placed at the entrance to every Tibetan temple. The Wheel of Life pictorial explains without words, the nature of our world and all human interrelationships.


The Story of Yama, the Bull Headed God of Death

A holy man was told that if he meditated for the next 50 years, he would achieve enlightenment. 

The holy man meditated in a cave for 49 years, 11 months, and 30 days, until interrupted by two thieves who had broken into the cave with a stolen bull. After beheading the bull in front of the hermit, they ignored his requests to be spared for but a few minutes and beheaded him as well. 

In his near-enlightened fury, this holy man became the fearsome Yama, god of Death. He took the bull’s head for his own and killed the two thieves, drinking their blood from cups made from their skulls. 

Still enraged, Yama decided to kill everyone in Tibet. The people of Tibet, fearing for their lives, prayed to the bodhisattva Manjushri, who took up their cause. 

Manjushri transformed himself into Yamantaka, who was similar to Yama but ten times more powerful and horrific. In the fierce battle that ensued, everywhere Yama turned he found infinite versions of himself.

Manjushri as Yamantaka, defeated Yama and turned him into the protector of Buddhism and the Wheel of Life.

– Courtesy of the Shelly & Rubin Museum

The original pictorial of the Wheel of Life, is reported to have been drawn in the sand by Buddha in answer to a question. It visually depicts, the interrelationships that comprise all terrestrial life. It explains without words how the terrestrial world is structured and how life functions in a perpetual cycle.

Absolutely everything in the Universe relates to a circle, there are no exceptions. Apart from the phenomenal Buddhist Wheel of Life, it was the astounding conclusion of Copernicus in his binary of binaries. Ninety years later Galileo subsequently proved, that all motion is circular.

Because the Universe is a sphere and a sphere provides a closed circuit. A double strand of energy powers the Universe. An active and a passive energy provides the power needed for life to develop, sustain and reproduce. The macrocosmic orbits of planets that circle around the sun, generate the active energy required for life to develop, sustain and reproduce. The passive energy necessary for life to develop, sustain and reproduce, is supplied by microcosmic orbits from the breath of terrestrial life.

The Wheel of Life pictorial does not explain the esoteric interrelationship of microcosmic orbits and macrocosmic orbits. However it does reveal the Tibetan secret of six senses. The six senses are our tools in life. When awakened they will transform a world based on ignorance, greed and anger into a different world, an enlightened life based on wisdom, justice and compassion.

This transformation will happen in the age of Aquarius, when Homo sapiens as a genetic species take back control of the earth and our own destiny. The predatory elite, are desperate to prevent this from occurring and we need to ensure that they do not succeed.

The above pictorial, reveals a deep knowledge that is of immense importance.

The Wheel of Life comprises four concentric circles: (1) The inner circle at the core of life is ignorance, greed and anger (2) The next or the naturally divided circle in life is Karma (3) The third and largest circle in life, is divided into seven segments that make up the Hierarchy Structure (4) The fourth or outer circle in life, is the natural cycle from birth to death and this cycle contains an important anomaly.

These four circles provide a pictorial whereby every single thing interconnects and everything in life, makes complete sense. The Wheel of Life leaves no room for ambiguity!


(1) The inner core circle in the Wheel of Life is ignorance, greed and anger. Ignorance, greed and anger account for the injustice and great suffering in the world!

In the tangka pictorial, ignorance greed and anger
are depicted as a cockerel, a pig and a snake
that chase and touch one another in a never ending cycle!


(2) The inner core circle of ignorance, greed and anger. Provides the basis for the next circle in life which is depicted, as a circle that is divided into two halves.

One half of the circle is dark and it depicts the karma of people
who through ignorance, greed and anger
are descending (regressing) in consciousness awareness.
The bright half of the Karmic circle, are enlightened people
who are ascending in consciousness awareness.


(3) The next circle in the Wheel sets out THE CIRCULAR HIERARCHY STRUCTURE OF LIFE:

The fully enlightened
are at the top of the hierarchy structure;

Then come the ruling ‘power elite’
who thrive and prosper by continually fermenting
an ideological environment of ignorance, greed and anger.
Without empathy, compassion, regrets, remorse, or love for anyone. Their malefic abuse of power
enables ruthless predatory wrongdoing to be perpetrated against the innocent;

Underneath and subject to hyperbole, are the great body of people.
Due to ignorance, greed and anger.
They feel duty bound, to support and accept their fate in a bureaucratic system
that imposes ideological rule

Then follows the transient spirit world (not depicted by this artist), where after death and before a new life commences, consciousness is disembodied;

At the bottom of the hierarchy of life are very unfortunate people and children,
who are subjected to abominations committed by the ruling malefic forces.
They have been trapped by circumstance to suffer Hell on Earth;

The hierarchy circle of life then turns upwards,
with the wonderful natural world
that comprises the rich diversity of all non human life;
Above them and protected by heaven, are spiritually connected people.
They have worked to earn the bliss and precious treasure of an unwavering Will.
Armed with with passion and compassion, they choose to follow the path of
knowledge, fraternity and freedom.

In this way the hierarchy cycle naturally returns to the stability of the fully enlightened who embody wisdom, justice and compassion.


(4) The outer circle comprises twelve steps from birth to death in the cycle of human life.

The cycle of twelve steps

The images in-between life and death depict
a potter, which symbolizes producing objects for our use;

A monkey depicts our natural inquisitiveness;

People in the same boat, symbolize the need for fellowship;

A man and woman embracing in love, represents our desire for union;

Next is a man with arrows in both eyes, which symbolizes the prejudice
from our own self imposed blindness;

Next is drinking a toast, which symbolizes our thirst for knowledge;

Next is a monkey eating fruit, it represents the well being and nourishment
that comes from eating and sharing foods;

Next is a woman who is pregnant;

Next is childbirth.


The anomaly of the six houses is the one absolutely extraordinarily powerful exception to the cycle. Buddha placed six lifeless empty houses in the cycle of life to depict our six senses. 


This is the Tibetan secret revealed: the six senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, smell and mind provide our only means of perception. They are our keys to life and provide knowledge of perfect unity. Expanding each sense to merge all sensory activity in its sphere, fuses microcosmic energy with macrocosmic energy. When our individual sphere merges as one with the Universal sphere, we become fully enlightened.

Instead of applying a conscious effort to make this enlightened connection, we unrealistically expect others and the system that is based on ignorance, greed and anger to change.

We have eyes and yet we fail to see; ears and yet we fail to hear; mind and yet we fail to reason; a nose and yet we fail to breathe; a tongue and yet we fail to taste; and skin yet we fail to touch. If we do not cultivate the energy of life. The quality of our life and those we connect with, will be sense-less and remain as no more than six lifeless empty houses.

It follows that a new fully enlightened sphere 
which embodies knowledge, compassion and justice.
Can and will replace the wheel of life that has been
based on ignorance greed and anger!

How The Natural World Works


“Mathematics is the language with which God has written the Universe” – GALILEO

For Tibetans, Life And Death Are A Perpetual Cycle

Tibet is a majestic and remote plateau country, situated at a very high altitude, 16,000 feet above sea level and located between India, Nepal and China. The Tibetan plateau is surrounded by the world’s highest mountain ranges, which are the Kunlun in the North, the Karakoam and Ladak in the West, the Himalayas are in the South and the East. 

The glaciers in Tibet are the source of the large Asian rivers which sustain the lives of forty-six percent of the population of the planet, more than three billion people.

The Indus, Sutlej and the Karnali rivers are symbolically known as the Lion, the Elephant and the Peacock. The glaciers of Tibet are also source of the mighty Ganges, the Brahmaputra, the Irrawaddy, the Salween, the Mekong, the Yangtze and the Yellow River. 

Tibet was the main center of Buddhist learning for twelve hundred years and is said to be the last of the old civilizations, which were guided by spiritual values. Tibetan Sanskrit scholars developed a system of education with a clarity that is simple, direct, all encompassing and astounding, it remains almost unknown today.

Following the death of a loved one, the Tibetans offer prayers, flags and incense for a forty-nine day period to wish the dead person a propitious new birth.

To the Tibetans death is simple uncomplicated physics where energy and matter have become separated. Consciousness has become disembodied. 

The disregarded body is taken up a mountain and in a sky burial, it isoffered as food to vultures. 

Where there are no mountains and no vultures to feed, they opt for a water burial and the disregarded body is offered as food for fish. It is perhaps the the main reason why Tibetans do not eat fish!

Trees in Tibet are in short supply for firewood to provide a fire burial, which is in the traditional method of Buddhist cremation. 

In places where the Chinese tradition is practiced, an earth burial is the custom.

stupa burial or embalming is normally reserved, for the most revered holy Lamas. 

Energy is the cyclical life force of the Universe. Tibetans refer to consciousness that has become disembodied due to the death of the body, as a namshe.

In the trauma of death, the namshe finds itself dazed, confused and disorientated. In the absence of any physical anchor, the namshe is blown aimlessly, here and there in the ether. This situation can continue for up to 49 days, or seven weeks and it is the reason why during this period, incense, colorful flags and prayers of goodwill are offered. 

The flow of energy, continuously seeks to find matter where the seeds for renewal can configure to create life. In a perpetual cycle of life and death, every life form mathematically renews within a definite cyclical period. 

The namshe has a cycle period of seven weeks or forty-nine days in which to find a womb, where the elements combine and form an embryo. 

“Looking for a home, the namshe is attracted by the intense mounting passion of a couple making love and filled with desire for an embodied existence it seeks out the woman’s womb in which to rest. It is there as it becomes caught up in the heightened blissful energy of the moment, that the namshe’s life force soars within the blood and bodily fluids to create the embryo of a body and the woman conceives.” – The Tibetan Secret Revealed on Kindle books

At the end of a seven week period of gestation in the womb. Energy begins to rise from the navel along a central channel, where it creates energy centers that are called chakras located in the head, heart and throat, before forming the two lower body chakras.


All five body charkas are interlinked by the spinal cord. The lower body chakra at the navel, determines our physical and emotional balance, while the chakra situated just below the male and female sexual reproductive organ, is the center for our creative energy.

As each month passes, the fetus continues to change shape and grow until finally after a thirty-six week period of formation, the baby yearns to leave the womb.

“During the twenty-fourth week of conception, the wind of remembrance becomes very clear and the unborn child’s awareness can see its previous lives and mothers. Realizing that he or she was nothing special, just an ordinary human being with a pattern of human faults. He or she has spun around and around the wheel of life many times in a recurring cycle of joy, sorrow and frustration.”   
The Tibetan Secret Revealed on Kindle Books

Each newborn baby, then passes a further period of seven weeks becoming accustomed to its new surroundings.

There is a folklore theory among Tibetans that the sex of the child is determined at the time of conception, depending on which partner has the most heightened sexual experience. If it is the woman, then the child will be male and if it is the man, then the child will be female.

Based on the above calculations of the cycle of life and death, it would appear that after approximately 49 weeks, the entire natural cycle of physical renewal has completed and a wonderful new life as a child begins.

People rightly ask, why it is that we do not remember death? It has most probably to do with the fact that the six senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, smell and mind are the gift that is given to us at birth and then taken away at the moment of death. The senses are our only means of perception and there is no recollection without them! 

While it is most probable that the namshe will encounter a conscious awareness of vast cyclical energies. It is caught up in confusion and deprived of a physical body to provide the sensory perception of sight, sound, taste, touch, smell or mind that are required to have recollection or a sense of direction. 

At the time of birth, we once again have a physical body and become reconnected with the gift of six senses with which to form, an entirely new lifetime of perceptions and recollections. 

Out of a sense of curiosity some people have claimed to remember past lives under regression hypnosis. This is something for the individual to decide. From the authors own experience of regression hypnosis, it does not necessarily provide a very reliable experience or beneficial knowledge.  

In the circle of life, every moment is an entirely new beginning and we are presented with many lifetimes to fully explore, a wonderful wholistic conscious awareness of knowledge and bliss.

the natural world works on principles of super abundance

Macrocosmic Orbits





All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered.

The point is to discover them.


Anything to do with a physical body, can and probably has been analyzed. What has not yet been analyzed is how to cultivate the energy of life. There is no subject matter or science that offers as much potential for human existence.

Any analysis of the energy of life, of necessity involves the energy that is circulated by Macrocosmic orbits and the energy that is circulated by Microcosmic orbits!

With our knowledge of electricity, it should not be a major surprise to discover that there are two strands of energy. A double stand of energy provides the power, which sustains the astounding miracle of life.

The Universe is a sphere, it is an enclosed circuit in which, electrons from a voltage or current source can flow! Energy flows within a sphere in circular motions. Every sphere has an active energy and a passive energy that provides the power, for life to exist and perpetuate on our planet.

The active strand of energy, has a Macrocosmic orbital origin and the passive strand of energy has a Microcosmic orbital origin.

  • The Macrocosmic orbital strand of energy is astrological. It is circulated in the heavens by the orbital motion of the planets in our solar system!
  • The Microcosmic orbital strand of energy is terrestrial. It is orbitally circulated by the breath of the Earth’s living things.

The Macrocosmic orbits of planets around the sun in our solar system, continuously circulate energy. The circulation of energy from orbiting planets, is ACTIVE ENERGY. It is continuously active and this brings about a world of constant flux or change, it also brings to pass the great cycles of planetary ages. 

Planetary orbits in our solar system
generate macrocosmic energy

For example in an annual cyclical orbit around the sun, our planet Earth travels at a speed of 66,627 miles per hour. It takes our planet 365 days to travel the orbital distance of 584 million miles! In the course of Earths annual Macrocosmic planetary orbit around the sun, it generates four different energy seasons. 

The Macrocosmic energy of spring, summer, autumn and winter that are generated by the Earths orbit around the sun, dictates our planet’s terrestrial ecology! The Earths terrestrial life that comprises a myriad inhabitants, respond to these immense seasonal changes.

The Microcosmic energy that is orbitally circulated by the breath of the Earth’s terrestrial life, is PASSIVE ENERGY. Everything that lives breathes, the process of inhalation and exhalation of breath is the breath of life. It is this passive energy that completes the electromagnetic circuit which provides the organism with the power it needs to develop, live and reproduce!

For the immense ecological, civilization and economic spheres to develop, sustain and renew. The sun, the family and gold are the natural passives to provide the connection that creates their power. The binary of the sun, the family and gold are the passives capable of providing everything that is required for a prosperous life!

The science of the ecology cycle, the civilization cycle and the economic cycle are explored in the section titled THE BINARY OF BINARIES.


  • Everything that lives must breathe!!
  • Breath is defined, ‘as the power of breathing in order to have life’!
  • Breath is the very first act that we make in life and it is also our last act in life!
  • Microcosmic energy, or the breath of life, is orbitally circulated by the inhalation and exhalation of breath! 
  • Breath is mutually shared by all living things. For example plants help humans to breathe by providing us with oxygen and humans help plants to breathe, by providing them with carbon dioxide!
  • Breath gives us the ability to form words and communicate with others!
  • To take a deep breath, can provide reassurance and it will help to overcome anxiety!
  • Breath reflects our state of wellbeing. Our breathing constantly adjusts to both our physical and our emotional condition!
  • To breed means to reproduce as a species, to breed is derived from the word breath or breathing!
  • In mythology, the dragon is reputed to breathe out fire; As we breathe, we take in wind or air and then breathe out heat or fire. To verify this extraordinary alchemic action, hold your hand close to your mouth and breathe on it. Is it warm?
  • The treasure of an unwavering Will, is when the harmony of your breath and the energy of the Universe are in blissful union.

The Microcosmic strand of energy is referred to as yin, earth, female or passive. It denotes the power of yielding and to yield is depicted by a broken line – – .

The Microcosmic or yielding energy of yin, earth, female or passive is necessary to give birth and birthing, is how the energy of life becomes manifest.

As Homo sapiens with the cognitive ability to reason, question and seek answers we are able to understand the cycle of cause and effect. It is easy for us to observe the birthing or breeding of ideas, emotions and enterprises. We are able to observe the birthing of life such as the birth of a plant, an animal, a human or an insect, etc. Without the birthing process there would be no life!

The Macrocosmic energy strand on the other hand comes from the astronomy of our solar system, where the planets including the Earth orbit around the sun in a cyclical movement. The energy that is perpetually circulated by the planetary orbits in the firmament, brings about continual change. Orbits also provide us with a measure of time!

The Macrocosmic strand of energy circulated by planetary orbits is referred to as yang, heaven, male or active. Each of these denotes the power of firmness and firm is depicted by an unbroken line ___ . The firmness attributed to Macrocosmic energy is most probably the reason why the word firmament, is used to describe the heavens!

Because the Macrocosmic energy which is circulated by the planetary orbits is in perpetual motion. It means that everything in the Universe is in a continual state of flux or change.

The Macrocosmic is the perpetually active energy. It is the ‘CREATIVE PRINCIPLE‘ from the heavenly orbits and the Microcosmic energy, is the sublime ‘PASSIVE PRINCIPLE’ from the breath of terrestrial life!

These two contrasting energies, the creative principle and the passive principle combine to form the miracle of life. They are yin and yang, the connection between heaven and earth; they are the union of male and female; the power derived from combining the active and the passive. These energies and their manifestations are by nature mysteriously spiritual.

The awe inspiring Creative (Active) Principle and the sublime Passive Principle combine to birth, sustain and perpetuate existence.

Whether we were born male, female, human, animal, mammal, insect, fish or plant. We are all passive instruments through which the active energy from the heavens flow.

The utopian qualities of passive energy are modesty, compassion, empathy, elegance, bliss. When they are out of synch with reality, the dystopian qualities of the active energy are conflict, excess, trouble.

Observe a magnificent tree, a tiny blade of grass, or a perfectly formed flower, it is PASSIVE and tranquil! Consider a garden or the countryside. It is PASSIVE and it is tranquil, it is alive and it breathes! It genetically exists in harmony with the energy of the heavens. It continuously changes with the planetary seasons and yet these magnificent trees, the humble plant, the garden, forest or countryside make no claim!

Similarly observe yourself, as a passive instrument, a powerful will that genetically exists in harmony with the energy of the heavens, move with the seasons and make no claim!

“Heaven is eternal and Earth everlasting!

They can be eternal and everlasting

because they do not exist for themselves.

And for this reason can exist forever.

Lao Tzu

Note: In truth there are no distinctions, we are all perfect reflections of the Universe. When you read the words ‘he’ is in accord with Tao, it is the the unity of transcendental language, he refers to the human spirit whether male or female.

Rule By Principle

The natural world works on the principle of abundance. The fundamental principles that govern the ecology, the family and sound money are the secure, firm and well established principles which govern life.

“Basic principles and fundamentals must be secure, firm, and well established, so that we can build confidently upon them.”   – Galileo

When Homo sapiens ignore the basic principles that govern life and choose to be ruled by man made laws. Then the link between heaven and earth is broken. When the link between heaven and earth is broken, everything is out of balance and disorder reigns.


The I CHING or THE BOOK OF CHANGE is reputed to be the oldest book on divination and it is beyond doubt the wisest book in the world. It contains a wealth of ancient knowledge. It describes how the Creative Principle and the Passive Principle govern everything. The Book of Change describes, the creative Macrocosmic or active celestial role of energy and it describes the yielding Microcosmic or passive terrestrial role of energy. In the eternal interplay of creation, each has a proper role and function.

It is the role of the passive or terrestrial forces to receive the celestial force. From this union all things receive their birth and come into existence!

The awesome inspiration from consulting the I Ching, is that the advice it gives is objective and accords with the harmony of the Universe!

THE CREATIVE PRINCIPLE Functions through change brought about by celestial orbits!

“Vast indeed is the sublime Creative Principle, the Source of All, co-extensive with the heavens! It causes the clouds to come forth, the rain to bestow its bounty and all objects to flow into their respective forms. Its dazzling brilliance permeates all things from first to last;” – from the translation of the I CHING by John Blofeld

THE PASSIVE PRINCIPLE Functions through the passivity of terrestrial forces!

“Exalted indeed is the sublime Passive Principle! Gladly it receives the celestial force (The Creative principle) into itself, from where all things receive their birth. The Passive Principle consists, of the vast plenitude of objects and the virtuous celestial power enters into it unhindered. Gentle and accommodating the passive is an all-embracing shining vessel, brimming with multitudinous contents.” – from the translation of the I CHING by John Blofeld

The link between


But I do have something special to say, and will first of all repeat what I have said a while ago, namely, that infinity and indivisibility are in their nature incomprehensible to us; imagine then what they are when combined.”Galileo

The Macrocosmic orbital strand of energy from the heavens and the Microcosmic orbital strand of energy from the earth, are a double strand of energy. This astounding science of a double strand of energy, the natural link between heaven and earth has been totally overlooked in favor of man made laws.

Heaven and Earth are the strands of energy that combine to form the eternal miracle of creation. This was the science of Copernicus, it was the understanding of the creators of the I Ching and it formed the basis of the teachings of LAO TZU, only to have been lost in the mists of time. 

The active energies of Heaven and the passive energies of Earth hold the secret to good health, the creation of wealth and they provide the bliss of happiness for every person on the planet. 

To understand the orbital motions which provide the link between Heaven and Earth, is sufficient to ensure a sublime age with an extraordinary banquet of knowledge, fraternity and discovery!


“The greatness and the glory of God shine fort marvelously in all his works, and is to be read above all in the open book of the heavens.”Galileo

The moon is not a planet, yet its orbital energy affects the gravitational pull of the Earth’s oceans, its elliptical orbit influences all forms of marine life and it gives us the tides.


  • “The orbit of the Earth around the sun gives us a year;
  • The orbit of the moon around the Earth gives us a lunar month;
  • The rotation of the Earth on its axis gives us a day and night.

Copernicus “On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres”

how the natural world works




“All of the good arts, serve to draw man’s mind away from vices and lead it toward things which provide extraordinary intellectual pleasure.” Nicolaus Copernicus

When it comes to human development. The Macrocosmic energy circulated by the orbital movements of planets, generate astrological energy patterns that we have yet to fully understand. For example, the characteristics of people born in different years or at different times of the year exhibit certain traits!

The Planets that orbit in our solar system, are said to form Astrological Ages which astrologers perceive to parallel major changes in the development of the Earth’s inhabitants. There are twelve of these Astrological Ages, each corresponds to the twelve zodiacal signs in western astrology. The signs of the horoscope are however, in the reverse sequence! It is estimated that the planetary cycle for all twelve ages is 25,860 years and an average Astrological Age lasts for 2,155 years.

The Astrological Planetary Cycle is
25,860 years

Based on the current synchrony of planets. Astrologers have estimated that we exited the zodiacal age of Pisces on 28 December, 2020 and some catalytic event, will bring this two thousand plus year era to an end!

Avatar of fish

Pisces is the age of beliefs and it has the symbol or avatar of fish.

The age of Pisces has the macrocosmic or astrological energy of fish and during this age, most human beings have adopted an automaton or naive fish like quality. The age of Pisces coincidentally began around the time of Christ, who advocated becoming fishers of men! (Jesus is reputed to have been a member of the Essenes, who were an Egyptian secret society and they would have been aware of the astrological ages.)

The fish like age of Pisces has resulted in two thousand years of Homo sapiens being conditioned and mesmerized, into believing the dogma of endless ideological propaganda.

For example an interesting behavioral study was done on fish in a tank, in which a glass divider was placed. The fish when they came up against the glass wall, bumped into it and turned around. After a period the glass wall was removed, the naive mesmerized fish conditioned to believe the wall exists, continued to turn around and did not swim past this point.

During the past two thousand Piscean years, like naive mesmerized fish, humanity have been shoaled and schooled in ideological beliefs.

For two thousand Piscean years most human beings have been conditioned, to believe totally unscientific ideological nonsense administered by a power elite bureaucracy!

People have been shoaled and schooled by the power elite into fighting pointless crusades; creating imperial empires; supporting and dying in the human butchery of perpetual wars; tolerating a financial system of corporate plunder; medical malpractice; secret societies; the sham of uni-party politics and every conceivable form of human abuse!

Consider as fact that due entirely to the mesmerizing, psychological power of indoctrination and propaganda applied by the establishment ruling ‘power elite’. An astounding 78% of the American public approved of the Iraq war and George W. Bush’s had the highest ever presidential approval rating of 90%!









The ages are astrological energies that affect human behavior, they are formed by orbiting planets and cannot be stopped. A momentous change from one great age to another, takes time to transition and it will probably involve some catalytic event to completely release us from the age of ideologies and bring the age of Aquarius to fruition. We are living through that momentous transition from the Piscean age of belief ideology to enlightenment in the age of Aquarius. The age of Aquarius promises to be the age of knowledge, fraternity and freedom. When with the planetary energy of Aquarius, Homo sapiens will take back control of the Earth and their own destiny!

We are not informed about this, because knowledge of astrology and the significance of astrological ages are not taught in schools. We never hear about Macrocosmic or Microcosmic energy. Even the orbits and astronomy of the planets are rarely explained in any meaningful way.

Astrology is however the primary domain of global secret societies, they follow astrological calendars and use astrological symbols. Their members are known to have influenced many of the major events in history. Members of secret societies are also known to actively influence, or control the world’s important centers of wealth and power. Is it too much to speculate that they are desperate and do not want Homo sapiens, to take back control of the Earth and their own destiny in the Age of Aquarius?


“All those who hate me (God) love death” – Proverbs 8:36.

All life is birthed, usually it is the female of the species that gives birth to a new life. However as Homo sapiens whether male or female we can cultivate or birth the energy of life, it is called spirituality because it transcends the material world. It is the power giving continuance of life, that is present in all living things! When we cultivate and birth the energy of life or spirituality, we birth goodness and knowledge that can never be altered. 

There are people or terrestrial forces, who are solely drawn to the material world and the politics of power. They cultivate or birth the energy of a death cycle. It is a destructive ideology, it is anti life and totally demonic.

The say the Devil never sleeps. These people who self identify as the power elite, are totally obsessed with the active or creative force and never ever embrace the passive. Everything that is completely natural to our prosperity such as the family, a healthy body and equitable access to wealth must be overturned.

The only thing that the energy of a death cycle offers are to continually kill, maim, destroy, lie and commit subterfuge. The ideology is the inverse of everything in life that is considered good and wholesome. They are Luciferians and in a Faustian pact have sold their souls and conscience for fame, prestige, power and wealth.

Their Luciferian secret societies have gradually taken over education, the issue of money, politics, media, corporatocracy, technocracy, the judicial system and the military. 

They have a knowledge of astrology, and are attempting a desperate play for the souls of humanity. We are now in the clash of the ages and it is an epic spiritual battle. Some of us will make it through by rejecting mRNA technology that genetically alters our DNA, and many will probably not.

Based on all the horrific events in history, it is very conceivable that these demonic powers and their secret societies have controlled the past two thousand Piscean years. The perverse satanic symbolism printed on a dollar bill of the masonic pyramid with the all seeing eye of Lucifer at the top, is self evident proof that they exist and are extremely powerful. Control of the money issuance, has been the means to shoal the human fish and manipulate the world!

learn the language of SYMBOLISM and understand faustian HAND salutes! – they are pacts with the devil

6 6 6




If you have even the slightest doubt about astrological ages, the timing of Aquarius or the chilling level at which satanic cult societies operate. The symbol or avatar chosen for the G7 meeting hosted by the UK during the 2021 vaccine roll out, were waves the ASTROLOGICAL SIGN of Aquarius!!!

“Oh, the inexpressible baseness of abject minds! To make themselves slaves willingly; to accept decrees as inviolable, to place themselves under obligation and to call themselves persuaded and convinced by arguments that are “so powerful” and “clearly conclusive” that they themselves cannot tell the purpose for which they are written, or what conclusion they serve to prove.” – Galileo




Create demonic disorder and end all things human
  1. SOCIAL engineering is designed to destroy the role of the family as the basis of society;
  2. FINANCIAL engineering is destroy equitable access to wealth. It provides the means to replace gold as the assured basis for an equitable, prosperous economy. It is the method to impoverish people through debt based money, to control all commerce, control all markets and through secretive mega funds, incorporate the world’s wealth;
  3. FOOD engineering is designed destroy health. It creates artificial foods that prematurely promote the death cycle and replace the natural, nutritious foods supplied by the sun;
  4. GENETIC engineering is the means to destroy the DNA that connects the body with the Universe. It irrevocably alters the DNA of life. It severs the natural cycle of plants, animals, insects and humans;
  5. MILITARY engineering is the means to destabilize or destroy resource rich countries and bring about human death, human butchery and human suffering;
  6. LEGAL engineering is the means to accumulate political power and institute a system of totalitarian control;
  7. PHARMACEUTICAL engineering is the chemical means to destroy and impair the natural immune system;
  8. CYBER engineering is the means to introduce a metaverse based on unreality. It creates an inescapable digital prison, monitored and controlled by artificial intelligence (AI);
  9. GEO-engineering is the means to alter natural weather patterns and bring about food and water rationing;
  10. PANDEMIC engineering involves biological weapons, health passports, censorship, travel restrictions, track and trace, digital ID, central bank digital currency, mRNA technology to replace our DNA and ultimately the genetic extermination of the entire human race.

Without a shadow of doubt, to return to a life of liberty, fraternity and equality. All institutions involved in social, financial, genetic, legal, military, geo-engineering and cyber engineering designed to create a world based on artificial intelligence, need to be dismantled, the corrupt need to be held to account and restitution made.

LUCIFERIAN ENGINEERING is incapable of achieving anything positive for humanity.

If you harbor the slightest doubt about the GENETIC EVIL of injecting NEW DNA into any person, or any tiny insect or into any food producing plant. In what is chilling and casually referred to as merely tinkering with the natural genome. SATANIC SCIENTISTS have injected DNA that genetically alters daddy long legs insects, to become daddy short legs!!!


SATANICALLY INJECTING a new DNA into food plants, is how the seeds of genetically modified plants are deliberately sterilized. The natural reproductive cycle ends and the plant seed cannot be used by farmers to create a new crop!!!!!!!

The wonderful news is that we are now into the age of Aquarius, where the satanic cult’s powers continually diminish and it is Homo sapiens who control the future.

An absolutely stunning future lies ahead, it is worth fighting for. At this time our resistance to tyranny, must to be reinforced by understanding the Universe and our unique ability to cultivate its energy. Simply by exploring and sharing this web page, will in some ways raise conscious awareness and help to bring about freedom from tyranny. If people can develop an unwavering Will by practicing some of the techniques, then life for Homo sapiens will improve beyond measure. In the meantime, the global satanic cult are being exposed for the whole world to see.

These LUCIFERIAN worshippers have declared their fourth and final revolution, which is to openly declare war against the human population.

As Homo sapiens, we are each endowed with the wonderful gift of reason. We have the cognitive ability to question and to seek the solution. As we enter into a wonderful new age of energy and enlightenment, we will be blessed with a growing strength of knowledge. We are not a cult of LUCIFERIAN devil worshippers and we total more than seven billion people!


Aside from medical treatments that help to heal, the affects of mRNA technology. CULTIVATING THE ENERGY OF LIFE in our personal sphere, connects macrocosmic energy with microcosmic energy. It provides a powerful wholistic solution which integrates our individual DNA with the energy of the Universe.

A shared hug births and cultivates the energy of life, it is a wonderful practical option and definitely not to be dismissed. A good long shared hug as opposed to a short embrace, connects with the power giving continuance of life that is present in all living things!


We are perfect creations of the Universe,
encapsulated within its sphere and subject to its laws!

We all benefit from spiritual therapy.

Meditation has been practiced in the East for thousands of years and could well provide the antidote to the genetic damage done by the mRNA.

The objective of meditation is to integrate as a unified whole with the Universe.

Sanskrit is the oldest language and certainly it is the spiritual language. There are Sanskrit shlokas that provide a powerful catalyst. They act as power-drivers to strengthen the meditation focus.

With closed eyes and a determination to be guided to a deep inner peace, dwell on the phonetics of each word in this powerful Sanskrit shloka:






Being one with Nature,

he is in accord with Tao.

Being in accord with Tao,

he is everlasting,

and free from danger

throughout his lifetime.

Lao Tzu

“Life is like a cart rolling down

a hill,

it does not wait for the lazy or


Liu Hua -Yang ‘Cultivating The Energy Of Life’ by Eva Wong

Cosmic Reality

Existence in harmony with the laws of the Universe!

Whether or not there is a higher power that exists outside of the Universe. It does not negate the fact:

We are all birthed creatures!
A creation of the Universe!
We reflect the Universe!
The Universe and its laws are perfect!

The laws of the Universe are absolute, self sufficient and objective. THEY should not be subjected to human decisions or conventions! 

how the natural world works PURPOSE OF SCIENCE


The power giving continuance of life that is present in all living things.

The superior person

understands the higher things;

The inferior person

understands the lower things.


Welcome to those who wish to fully understand the elements of life and the inner nature of how the world works. The sole purpose of science, is to discover and establish truths that accord with reality of life.

To restore the balance of common sense, bring back prosperity, end the deadlock to human progress and initiate a new renaissance of knowledge. A golden age of enlightenment and creativity in all aspects of education, arts, music, language, societal well-being, commerce, enterprise and all the sciences. An age that leads to tremendous discoveries and achievements:

  • We must first realize that we are our own authority and subject only to the laws of the Universe;
  • The LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE ARE SHARED IN COMMON and there is no one who is above Universal law.

We are born with freewill and therefore do not need the predatory power elite, to dictate any aspect of our lives. Nature provides everything that we could possibly require for prosperity, which is health, happiness and wealth! There is absolutely no need for Homo sapiens to be subservient to the establishment or to the dogma of any ideology.


“The first is that the different aspects of the sun are so essential for our various species, that they could not exist without them.”GALILEO

The sun provides everything needed for sustenance and a prolific ecology.


“It always seems to me extreme rashness on the part of some when they want to make human abilities the measure of what nature can do. On the contrary, there is not a single effect in nature, even the least that exists, such that the most distinguished theorists can arrive a complete understanding of it.”GALILEO

The family unit provides everything that is needed for emotional well being, for social values and a stable civilization.


“Diverse movements in the earth are derived from a single principle in a similar way.” GALILEO

Gold provides everything that is needed for equitable commerce.

PROSPERITY which is health, happiness and wealth are sovereign to everyone and should not be the privilege of an unproductive few. To create and sustain equitable wealth, a currency must be of the people, by the people and for the people! A ‘currency’ is precisely what it says, an exchange, a conductor or facilitator of (economic) energy!

Gold is natural wealth and guaranteed to provide an entirely equitable exchange, for trade and commerce. Properly valued and stored in the national treasury, gold is sovereign wealth that belongs in common to all the people. There is ample physical gold stored in the treasury to back the currency and restore wealth to the people. It will need to be revalued to cancel all the parasitic central banker money that has been issued as debt.


Sir Isaac Newton who was master of the Royal Mint, was asked by the British Treasury officials and financiers of his day why the monetary pound had to be a fixed quantity of precious metal: ‘Why, indeed, must it consist of precious metal, or have any objective reality? Since paper currency was already accepted, why could not notes be issued without ever being redeemed?’

‘The reason they put the question supplies the answer; the government was heavily in debt, and they hoped to find a safe way of being dishonest, but Newton was asked as a mathematician, not a moralist. He replied: ‘Gentlemen, in applied mathematics, you must describe your unit.’ Paper currency cannot be described mathematically as money.’ – The God of the Machine, Isabel Paterson. (1886-1961).

The sun, the family and gold are natures binary!

Perfection is perfect and what is perfect cannot be improved upon. Without any need for the ‘power elite’s’ hierarchy structure and control over the issue of money. Without any need for the power elite to impose bureaucratic fear and give monstrous favors to a few. The sun, family and gold are absolute, self sufficient and objective, they do not require any human laws or conventions!  The sun, family and gold assure the prosperity, freedom and well being of every person. 

The SUN assures a prolific ecology and ample healthy foods; The FAMILY and family values assures a society with the fellowship of like minded good company; And GOLD/SILVER equitably assure unlimited commercial opportunities. With such perfection, Homo sapiens can very happily prosper without the ideology of LUCIFERIAN ENGINEERING.

Life does not need to be socially engineered, financially engineered, genetically engineering, geo-engineered, bio-engineered, military engineered, pharmaceutically engineered, legally engineered, cyber engineered or pandemic engineered. Engineering is Luciferian and provides nothing of substantial benefit for society, it creates inequitable divisions and destroys the natural cycles.  

The I CHING states that ‘Revolution is necessary, where evil people have forfeited their mandate to rule’.

To have a completely civilized society:

All the institutions engaged in social, economic, monetary, military, legal, biological, cyber, genetic and geo-engineering must be dismantled, the corrupt held to account and restitution made!


“There is nothing strange in the circle,
being the origin of any and every marvel.”



“From which it seems to me one may reasonably conclude that for the maintenance of perfect order among the parts of the universe, it is necessary to say that moveable bodies are movable only circularly; if there are any that do not move circularly, these are necessarily immovable, nothing but rest and circular motion being suitable to the preservation of order.”  – Galileo


The Universe is a sphere, which means that ALL MOTION IS CIRCULAR. The ILLUSION that motion and life are linear has meant that for millennia, the basis of our understanding is incorrect and with it most of the models or ideologies we use.

Long before science was compartmentalized and controlled by globalist cult finance. The broader science of natural law inspired the extraordinary genius minds of Lao Tzu, Huang Po, Tibetan scholars, Vitruvius, Copernicus and Galileo. Each came to the ultimate conclusion that a STABLE PASSIVE is necessary to perfect life, properly govern a nation, improve the arts, sciences and ensure an equitable economy. It is a truly astounding study. Their extraordinary genius has provided sufficient solid scientific evidence and factual information, to finally end all ideology.

They have provided the knowledge to successfully bring the world from the ideology and belief-ism age of Pisces, to the entirely enlightened age of Aquarius.

Their combined genius has provided the knowledge that is necessary to successfully transform the world from the spell of the three vices, which are ignorance, greed and anger. To an enlightened world that enjoys the three supreme virtues in life, which are wisdom, justice and compassion! 

E n l i g h t e n m e n t a n d Creativity

Leonardo’s ‘VITRUVIAN’ Man

Considerate Buddhist principles are careful not to inconvenience or harm others;

Vitruvius prescribes applying, the harmonious ‘golden mean’ of proportion to perfect every aspect of life;

The esoteric poetry of Lao Tzu contemplates the mysterious;

The extraordinary scientific genius and economic monetary theory of Copernicus and Galileo, are assured to create a prosperous world of health, wealth and happiness; 

Tibetan Scholars have provided, astounding knowledge that leads to the attainment of full enlightenment.


We can take wood and see it go up in fire and light, but we do not see them recombine to form wood; we see fruits and flowers and a thousand other solid bodies dissolve into odors, but we do not observe these fragrant atoms coming together to form fragrant solids. Where our senses fail us reason must step in


By far the most important scientific fact and the least understood, is that the Universe is spherical! Energy is the force that determines every motion and every emotion. Encapsulated within a sphere, energy circulates in circular motions.

It requires an intuitive perception to understand energy. Energy is an invisible force, it cannot be seen, tasted, touched, heard or smelled and yet it determines all motion and all emotion.

To have a deep insight of existence that is absolute, self sufficient, objective and not subject to human decisions or conventions. All we need to realize, is that life is a binary of energy and energy is in continual circular motion.

The binary we choose is karma, the binary can result in world of beneficial outcomes or the binary can result in a world of unhelpful outcomes.

They manifest as two totally different world systems and we choose to bind with one or the other. To bind with reality is to embrace the passive energy and realize the three virtues in life, which are wisdom, justice and compassion. To bind with the invented, hypothetical dogma of ideology beliefs is to bind with energy that manifests as the three vices in life, which are ignorance, greed and anger.  

As Homo sapiens we are each uniquely equipped to take total control over our own lives and from a binary with its energy, discover the astounding creativity and beauty in every SPHERE of activity!

how the natural world works

The Binary of



Phi comes from the Greek word philo, meaning love and Sophia is the Greek goddess of wisdom. They Combine to form the word philosophy ie phi-lo-sophia, which means love-of-wisdom.

Phi is the GOLDEN RATIO 1.618, the basis for the miraculous Fibonacci sequence of numbers that are the numerical constant of creation.

The Greek letter Phi is the symbol of a circle divided into two. A divided circle depicts yin and yang, passive and active, matter and anti matter, being and non being, macrocosmic energy and microcosmic energy, heaven and earth. The DNA of everything, is given two strands to carry its genetic code! Electromagnetic power has two strands of energy. It is entirely conceivable, that Phi can be ascribed as ‘The Big Bang’ or the ‘God particle’ at the beginning of creation.

When we apply Sir Isaac Newton’s extraordinary third law of physics  “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Then yin and yang fuse together, passive and active fuse together, matter and anti matter fuse together, being and non-being fuse together, male and female fuse together, macro cosmic energy and micro cosmic energy fuse together, heaven and earth fuse together. The binary that combines the two elements of Phi, creates infinite possibilities! 

Phi and the binary of phi, are arguably the scientific, mathematical and spiritual explanation to the Taoist mystery of creation:

“Tao produced the One.

The One produced the two.

The two produced the three.

And the three produced the ten thousand things”

“The ten thousand things carry the yin and embrace the yang,

and through the blending of the material force (breath)

they achieve harmony.”

Lao Tzu

how the natural world works


That is perfect, This is perfect, Take perfect from perfect, The remainder is perfect.
May peace and peace and peace be everywhere.



Nothing can exist without ENERGY, it is the source of all motion and emotion. The binary of a passive, is required to harness the enormous power of macrocosmic energy and create the desired result in the ecological sphere, the civilization sphere, the economic sphere and in our personal sphere.

The law of ’cause and effect, is that every EFFECT is the result of a BINARY with ENERGY! The binary involves, two elements which BIND together to create a result.

A correct binary is the key to an era of infinite possibilities with freedom, harmony and prosperity in every aspect of life.

The ongoing search to create nuclear fusion, involves the search to discover the correct energy binary. To create a fire, requires the binary of combustible material which is the passive energy and a spark which is the active energy!

The fusion of passive and active, are the binary of perfection that can and should be applied to every aspect of life.

  • The correct passive births or creates a near utopian existence;
  • The correct binary does not require ideology to impose a myriad of laws, rules and regulations;
  • The correct binary has natural empathy and this ensures equal opportunity in finance, trade and commerce;
  • The correct binary, will ensure there is a stable society and it will ensure a flourishing ecology.

Binary science is the natural law of the Universe. When macrocosmic energy and microcosmic energy are in harmony, then heaven and earth are in harmony. When heaven and earth are in harmony, it is bound to create the perfect outcome! A perfect binary scientifically guarantees that the ecology, civilization and economy have a super abundance of prosperity to amply cater for the needs of every person.

The seemingly effortless phenomenon by which nature produces a prolific ecology. Is due to the fact that whenever a seed has binary fusion with the earth, a new plant is birthed or created. From one seed, the plant will produce multiple seeds. With the correct agricultural or horticultural talent, the ecological cycle required to ensure prolific food can continue in perpetuity! 

To understand the cause and effect, the natural sequence of how the human race perpetuates and how humanity binds as a cohesive social structure. Philosophers have observed that the female is passive and the male is active. Being mutually attracted, they join together in unity!

It is from this binary fusion, that a human embryo is created and how the family unit comes about.

The family unit is by far the most important binary in life. The family unit provides our emotional energy and the family unit determines our social values. The family unit is the yin and the yang, the father and the mother represent the unbreakable bond between heaven and earth. The binary of family, ensures a completely stable, happy, prosperous and civilized society: 

“Unity can only be manifested by the binary. Unity itself and the idea of unity are already two”  –  Buddha

Galileo risked his life at the hands of the inquisition, to publish his extraordinary work ‘A Dialogue Concerning The Two Chief World Systems.’ For explaining the truthful difference between the reality of a scientific system and the unreality, of systems based on ideological beliefs. He was sentenced by the ideological establishment, to life imprisonment: “I decided to appear openly in the theater of the world as a witness of the sober truth!”

Leonardo da Vinci’s inspiration for the exquisite drawing of a man with his navel as the center of a circle, was taken from the published work of Vitruvius. In his book ‘The Ten Books on Architecture’, Vitruvius a Roman architect sets out the golden mean of proportion and explains how its binary can be applied. He considered that it is possible, for every aspect of life to scientifically harmonize with what is natural. It can be deduced from ‘Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man’ that each person has a precise proportion to a circle and a circle, is the perfect reflection of the Universe.

“There is nothing strange in the circle, being the origin of each and every marvel.” Aristotle

The Universe is spherical and energy encapsulated within a sphere, moves around and around in continuous spherical motions. In God’s spiritual creation (the Universe) the perpetual circular motion of energy, maintains a cycle of continual change and energy encapsulated within a sphere has neither a beginning or an end. Within the Universe, all life, shapes, sounds, motions, etc., naturally corresponds to a sphere.

Life is known to exist on our spherical planet for billions of years, during which time everything constantly changes and recurs. If energy could not perpetually renew, then life would simply be a linear phenomenon. It would be like a wave that does not have an ocean from which to re-form. Without an energy cycle, life would be a once only linear event and life on our planet would have ceased to exist many eons ago.

“The spirit (energy) of the valley never dies, it is the root of Heaven and Earth.

It is continuous and seems to be always existing.

Use it and you will never wear it out.” Lao Tzu

Unless as humans, we are waves without an ocean and somehow totally independent of the Universe. It can be stated with the exact same degree of certainty that just as the seasons perpetually recur. We are born, blossom, mature, die and our disembodied consciousness will seek to form a binary with an embryo in which to be born again. It is an infinite cycle of renewal that is governed, by the perpetual motion of energy within a sphere:

“The fear of infinity is a form of myopia that destroys the possibility of seeing the actual infinite, even though in its highest form it has created and sustains us.” Galileo

Galileo the founder of modern science, was sentenced to life imprisonment by the ideological inquisition. He had published A Dialogue Concerning The Two Chief World Systems: The assurance of proven science, or the tyranny from invented ideology. In his book, Galileo mathematically presented that everything in the Universe relates to a sphere and how the earth moves around the sun. From fear of the inquisition, he used dialogue as code to camouflage his extensive knowledge and give guidance to those who wish to understand the scientific truth. His inspirational dialogue, is extensively ‘quoted’ throughout this blog on how the natural world works.

how the natural world works


Straight motion goes entirely out

the window and nature never makes

any use of it at all.


On account of ingrained indoctrination and our subservience to a belief in linear motion, you can search every book or article written and possibly never find this astounding observable information:

“There are no straight lines in nature!” This observation is all the more incredible, considering that billions of Homo sapiens have been around for thousands of years and the evidence is everywhere. The Universe has no exceptions, the binary of everything corresponds to a sphere and everything has a natural recurring cyclical movement!

The fact that everything in the Universe has a binary with circular energy, means there are no straight lines in nature. Every natural shape from seeds, leaves, feathers, fruits, plants, insects, animals, fish, birds, humans down to a pebble on the beach has a degree of curvature. The circular law of nature is so precise that to draw a perfect straight line, requires a rule or another mechanical device. Whether we throw an object, or lift a cup to drink from, it always moves in an arc. Everywhere we look there are natural cyclical movements. From the planets that continually rotate around the sun, the seasons that recur ad infinitum, the tides, day and night, the inhalation and exhalation of our breath, eyelids, heartbeat and all other bodily functions. Everything corresponds to a sphere: our eye sockets, jaws and body joints are curved so that they can move circularly, sound moves in waves, etc!

You cannot teach a person anything, only help them to find it within themselves”Galileo

What if all ideological models are based on a lie? What if we do not need corporate governance, where a few gain enormous benefit from waging a never ending war on the innocent? What if we do not need corporate owned pompous politicians, or misleading media and we do not need central banks with despicable debt finance? With the naturally prolific ecology, the social role of the family and refined golden economics, the world can and will easily thrive without them. 

It is not a coincidence that the sun, the moon, our planet and its rotation are circular. Take any seed and you will find that it has a spherical shape. Place it in fertile soil with a good aspect and it will inevitably produce a plant with leaves, stem and roots that have a curvature shape. The plant will produce a crop which will inevitably contain multiple more seeds and these in turn, can be planted in fertile soil to continue this extraordinary prolific cycle of plant life ad infinitum. When all life is a cycle, it means that humans, animals, birds, insects, etc., will also perpetuate in their own way.

This is science and strange as it may seem at first, it is at odds with our belief. We do not consider the circle of life. If we did, then we would be dealing with fact and have no need for beliefs. It should come as no surprise to find that our beliefs create ideologies and they are unscientific nonsense. Every ideology requires an executive and this bureaucracy imposes the tyranny of countless rules, laws and regulations which remove our freedoms, while on the other hand they provide monstrous favors to a few.

Living in an interconnected sphere, we have absolutely no need for ideologies. We have the sun to provide perpetual sustenance and vitamin D for our immune system, the family to perpetuate and provide a society with stable social values, plus gold as natural wealth in the treasury along with silver to finance a system of perpetual equitable prosperity.

how the natural world works


The Age of Aries is the age of the ram. It preceded the Age of Pisces and was the age that provided all of the great religions.

Avatar or symbol of a ram

For eons people like Gautama Buddha have sought to realize who they are and meditation techniques exist particularly in the East, that understand the blissful unity from binary fusion.

“Therefore we conclude that unity is the only infinite number.”GALILEO

In Western culture, the Abrahamic ideology is the foundation for the Judaic, Christian and Muslim religions. The Old Testament story teaches that God (the Creator), is an authoritative father figure and a judgement maker who gave His laws to Moses.

Belief in a hierarchal authority and a system of judgmental laws, even after death. Has provided the foundation for the bureaucratic ideology systems that dictate our social and economic world.

Despite benign titles, ideology-isms are systems of division that function on ignorance, greed and anger. All ideology systems are parasitic, they employ a myriad laws, rules and regulations to dictate how power and wealth are to be divided !

  • Capitalism is ideology that promotes how capital is to be divided;
  • Socialism is ideology that promotes how society is to be divided;
  • Corporatism is ideology that promotes the corporate divide of wealth;
  • Legalism is ideology that promotes the political divide of power;
  • Militarism is ideology that promotes the divide of counties etc.

An economic and societal obsession with the bureaucracy from ideological systems of division, has meant that unity (the only infinite number) is not easily understood and not normally pursued.

Compassion is not taught in the Old Testament

Compassion to describe human empathy, is mentioned only once in the Old Testament. In that instance it was outside of the Abrahamic tradition. Where the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh found the baby Moses in a basket “and she had compassion on him, and said: ‘This is one of the Hebrew children.’”

Compassion is mentioned a further 18 times in the Abrahamic Old Testament. However it always God’s (the Creator’s) compassion for the suffering of the various descendants of Israel, but it is never used as a caring compassionate human trait!

how the natural world works


Image of the Tarantula Nebula, the swirling cosmic energies of the Universe and formation of stars!
(Caught by the Webb Space telescope, the image is 340 light years across!)

Facts that at first seem improbable,

will even on scant explanation drop

the cloak which has hidden them

and stand forth in naked and simple




Facts That May At First Seem Improbable

Mathematics is the language with which God has written the Universe.


The science of number, is a practical science which helps us in daily life and it also helps us to understand the extraordinary variety of mysteries in the Universe. The Universe is deeply mysterious, for the varieties available to it have no end. The varieties which we experience are only related to one Universe, and since there are innumerable Universes. It is practically beyond our scope to experience them all.

The Shankaracharya on numerology in the vedanta tradition of Hinduism.

The ultimate or Absolute (Brahman), is number one in the circle of nine points. With the start of creation it unfolds in nine stages and then it ends. In the nine-stage creation we see all the manifestations.

The Shankaracharya on numerology in the vedanta tradition of Hinduism.

Water is number two in the circle of nine points, it is the element of bond. Due to bonds, all the shapes in the Universe have their existence and depending on which particular types of bonds are involved, all the shapes create a limit or boundary. It is the bond that creates the limitation. With the end of the bond comes the limit or boundary.

The Shankaracharya on numerology in the vedanta tradition of Hinduism.

The number seven is the number that fixes the pattern of creation and of the individual. The numerical state of seven, is what keeps the Universe going through its repeated cycles of seasons and in the case of the individual, through 8,400,000 cycles of lives.

The Shankaracharya on numerology in the vedanta tradition of Hinduism.

The number nine has a great peculiarity of the same type. You can multiply nine by any number and yet the total of the digits will always be nine; for example 9×2=18=9 and 9×3=27=9 and so on. Thus the number nine always remains constant. Number nine is the total number of manifestations!

The Shankaracharya on numerology in the vedanta tradition of Hinduism.

In a shared belief, Homo sapiens are totally convinced that we see the sun rise in the East, move in a line across the sky and set in the West. It has always been described as sunrise and sunset. However the sun is stationary and it does not move, what we experience and what we discuss is a linear illusion. Our planet is perpetually moving and like every natural movement within the Universe, it is always in a circular motion. In similar shared assumption our language, economics, reasoning, etc., are based on the short sighted belief of a linear progression, when in reality all motion is circular and cyclical.

In an extremely humbling, awe inspiring phenomena of perpetual circular motions, that are on a scale virtually beyond our human comprehension. The Earth together with its moon travels in a gigantic annual circular orbit around the sun. While at the same time our planet gracefully rotates on its axis, which is 24,901 miles in circumference.

In the course of a single day, we have each imperceptibly traveled in excess of 1.6 million miles through space! However our imperceptible travel through space is multiple times more astounding than this daily orbital itinerary. Our entire solar system orbits around the Milky Way Galaxy. Our solar system travels at an average velocity of 513,360 miles/hr. But even at that high rate, it will still take us 230 million years to make a complete orbit around the Milky Way!

“For when a ship is floating calmly along, the sailors see its motion mirrored in everything outside, while on the other hand they suppose that they are stationary together with everything on board. In the same way, the motion of the earth can unquestionably produce the impression that the entire universe is rotating.” – Nicolaus Copernicus

We frequently recognize an illusion of motion in a railway carriage by falsely attributing movement, as an adjacent train pulls out of a station or vice versa!

Rather, we never see anything but the simple downward one, since this circular one, common to the earth, the tower and ourselves, remains imperceptible and as if nonexistent.” Galileo

how the natural world works




Heaven obtained the One and became clear.

Earth obtained the One and became tranquil.

The spiritual beings obtained the One and became divine.

The valley obtained the One and became full.

The myriad things obtained the One and lived and grew.

Kings and statesmen obtained the One and became rulers of the empire.

What made them so is the One.


We have each been conditioned to believe in the illusion of duality. It is the ISM, the divide in all belief-ism ideology! The greatest deception in human existence has been to believe that we have five senses. It has mistakenly elevated and divided mind from the other senses.

As a result of this false separation of mind from the senses, we tend to assume that the ever active mind is who we are. This belief has served to keep all of mankind, permanently bound by chains of ignorance and lacking COMMON SENSE. The curse of ideology-ism, the unnatural divide, has dictated every aspect of life and cast an occult spell.


It is a profound tale which originates from the deserts of Sindh, in the North-West of India. 

Where occult forces held a beautiful princess captive, in a fortress that was surrounded by rushing rivers. 

As they tried to rescue the beautiful maiden, each of her admiring suitors tragically drowned in the rushing waters.

Eventually a prince realized, that the rushing rivers in the deserts of the Sindh were nothing more than an illusion.

Having broken free from the occult spell. He was able to simply and calmly, walk across the dry sands and claim the lifelong companionship of a most beautiful bride.

It may seem strange at first, to discover that KNOWLEDGE is passive and works in conjunction with the ever active mind. Like the prince in the desert story, you are passive and your own sovereign authority!

KNOWLEDGE is when you Under-Take to investigate for yourself and a defining eureka moment of discovery follows!

Experience on the other hand , is when you infer from a past set of circumstances.

Tibetan Buddhist Scholars and the Zen Master Huang Po stated emphatically, that mind is one of the senses. Mind relies on the brain, just as sight relies on the eyes, hearing relies on the ears, taste relies on the tongue, breath relies on the nose, touch relies on the skin, etc. The function of mind, is to assimilate information and as such it probably does not provide a greater human benefit than to constantly Google. Without applying an investigative passive or draw from what we already know, there appears to be no limitation to the permeations, ideological beliefs, indoctrinations, superstitions or conclusions that the active mind can generate or accommodate.

The litmus test is that we are able to observe the mind and the myriad thoughts as they come, gather strength for a while and go.

The mind does not observe the mind!

So if we are not the mind, the question is who are we?

how the natural world works



Before the ungodly Chinese cultural revolutionaries invaded. Tibet was the world’s centre of Buddhism, where they formulated and shared knowledge using the Sanskrit language. It is estimated that five thousand monasteries or centers of learning were established over a period of twelve hundred years. Knowledge was frequently kept within the monastery and there was little possibility for Tibetan knowledge, to be disseminated in the West.

The six senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell and mind is the GRAIL OF ALL KNOWLEDGE, it is the connection that has been missing in life. The six senses is the Tibetan Secret Revealed! ONLY WHEN IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT MIND IS ONE OF THE SENSES, CAN WE HAVE A PERFECT UNDERSTANDING!

The six senses are sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell and mind are our only means of perception and when combined, they naturally provide COMMON SENSE.

The six senses are our tools in life, with the senses it is possible to know everything that there is to know! To provide sensory perception for the whole truth or knowledge to manifest, it logically follows that all of the senses are needed!  However to have knowledge of the whole truth, each of the senses must be awakened and that requires personal effort. 

The following exercise helps to awaken the senses, it involves the fusion of microcosmic energy and macrocosmic energy. It will birth or cultivate the energy of life and develop the bliss and precious treasure of an unwavering will!

The only requirement in this exercise that awakens the senses, is stillness and a straight spine to aid your energy flow pathways. Be aware that when you breathe oxygen into your body, vital energy flows in a pathway to the brain. As you breathe out, energy flows in a pathway via the spine to the abdomen and back up via the chest to the throat and nose. The meridian flow pathways are your breath of life!

  • Be still, breathe naturally and have a straight spine; 
  • Start by listening to sounds, hear or assimilate all the sounds that are immediate to you;
  • Then open attention to include the sounds that are further away, all the time assimilating these sounds and expanding hearing;
  • Continue this focus, to hear and assimilate sounds that are even much more distant;
  • Do not cease expanding and expanding and expanding your focus on sound until you fully REALIZE the reality, of ONE Universal sound;
  • When you reach the perception of ONE Universal sound, your sense of hearing is ALL inclusive and fully awake;
  • Your intuitive ability to fuse macrocosmic energy and microcosmic energy, is perfected;
  • At this point, the harmony of your breath and the energy of the Universe are in blissful union. You are rewarded with the bliss and precious treasure of an unwavering will;
  • Dwell in this realization.
  • Take time and assimilate this extraordinary energy fusion. The airwaves of the meridian pathways are open and you will enjoy, longevity with good health.

The objective is to apply an exercise to bind together microcosmic energy and macrocosmic energy, with each of the senses and bring them to THE WAKING STATE.

Each sense requires its own adaptation and has its own significance.

The energy of life is birthed and an intuitive process is required to realize this energy. Apart from the following guidelines on awakening the senses, there is much more that can be explored and discussed!

  • For sight, be still with a straight spine, open your eyes and expand your field of vision;
  • Arrive at a state in which you are mentally still and expand visual awareness to perceive everything that is in your sight;
  • Birthing the energy of life in conjunction with sight, involves embracing the macrocosmic reality of eternal space and time;
  • Maintain a steady focus of awareness on your field of vision, until your visual realization is acutely aware.

With unity of microcosmic energy and macrocosmic energy your field of vision should be sensitive, all encompassing, penetrating and FULLY AWAKE.

  • Take time to assimilate this extraordinary energy fusion. Your breath will adjust naturally to harmonize with the energy of the Universe and the airwaves of the meridian pathways will open.

For taste, take a different binary approach to unite microcosmic energy with macrocosmic energy.

First consider what taste refers to. We talk about having good taste. People with exceptional taste make culinary experts, fashion icons, they create superb interior and outdoor designs, they blend materials, objects and words to good effect.

  • With this exercise, you are practicing awakening or expanding the sense of taste to appreciate and understand ALL of its possibilities;
  • Healthy foods are natural medicine for the body. When eating food, a good perceptive practice is to taste every mouthful. It is also a helpful practice to finish eating, when there is still some room for another mouthful!
  • As your breath adjusts and the airwaves of the meridian pathways open, your sense of taste will develop to its full potential!

When it comes to the sense of smell, this perceptive exercise is much the same as hearing except that it also focuses inward.

It is not being judgmental between good smells or bad smells, that aspect of the sense of smell will sensually correct with this exercise!

  • Expand and assimilate what your sense of smell tells you;
  • Smell is associated with breath;
  • It is the breath of life;
  • Breathe deeply through the nostrils and be aware of the meridian or energy flow pathways;
  • Smell until your breath is in perfect harmony with every thing that breathes. Smell until there is one Universal breath and one Universal scent.
  • With this exercise you can fully connect to the breath of life!

The practice of touch, is a binary of being acutely sensitive and being in touch.

  • It is touch to the point of touch, where each and every fibre of the skin on your body is perceptively aware and you are fully awake, fully in touch, sensitive and compassionate.
  • Touch is of immense significance;
  • Always attend your focus to the point of touch, where surfaces meet;
  • When you hug someone, allow time for the shared energy to birth;
  • Be sensitive to touch when you shake hands or smile;
  • Become fully in touch with life and every living thing!

This heart warming short video is entitled ‘Hugs are the Universal medicine’

Take time and learn to assimilate the extraordinary energy fusion from being in touch.

Discuss and share the above information, it will help to expand knowledge of the senses and develop the energy of life.

Each sense is a portal that connects microcosmic energy, with macrocosmic energy.

When the awakened senses are combined, there is unity of the senses and an unwavering Will which forms ONE MIND.


One Universal sound, one Universal sight, one Universal taste, one Universal smell, one Universal touch and One Mind are a fusion of microcosmic energy and microcosmic energy.

At the ocean we watch as waves take shape, gain strength for a while and return to the source, only to re-form and begin the process all over again ad infinitum.

To have fusion of all the senses in ‘One Mind’ is to obtain unity and to experience, the blissful inter-play of everything in the Universe! 

Maintaining the bliss of energy fusion and the unwavering Will of ‘One Mind’. Connect to the resonance of the first recorded words of Huang Po, who is considered to be the greatest Zen Buddhist Master:

The master said to me: 

All the Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but One Mind, beside which nothing exists. One Mind is without beginning, is unborn and indestructible, it is not green or yellow, and has neither form nor appearance. It does not belong to the category of things, which exist or do not exist, nor can it be thought of in terms of new or old. It is neither long nor short, big nor small, for it transcends all limits, measures, names, traces and comparisons. It is that which you see before you. Begin to reason about it and you at once fall into error. It is like the boundless void, which cannot be fathomed or measured. One Mind is the Buddha, and there is no distinction between Buddha and sentient beings, except that sentient beings are attached to forms and so seek externally for Buddhahood. By their seeking they lose it, for that is trying to use the mind to understand One Mind. Even though they do their utmost for a full eon, they will not be able to attain it. They do not know that, if they put a stop to conceptual thought and forget their anxiety, the Buddha will appear before them, for One Mind is the Buddha and the Buddha is all living beings. One Mind is not the less for being manifested in ordinary beings, nor is it greater for being manifested in the Buddhas.” 

The Zen Teaching of Huang Po 
The Chun Chou Record-Tang Dynasty 618-906 AD
translated by John Blofeld




Into The Underworld
And Full Enlightenment

Transcendental is the method of meditation to transcend the ego. The ego is what compels us to name every thing.

Similar to the calm serenity that comes from a very deep sleep, meditation is a very beneficial method to connect with the energy of life.

Transcendental meditation is to undertake a calm yet unwavering, step by step meditative process to reach the source. Much like peeling away the circular layers on an onion. In Buddhism the final step in the transcendental process is called Nirvana, where the fusion of energy is such that there are no distinctions.

Think of transcendental meditation as a vehicle that transcends a deep ocean. It moves down from the ocean’s turbulent surface activity, through all the undercurrents and then through the sub currents, until there is relative calm.

However a truly determined practitioner, armed with the precious attribute of an unwavering will, does not cease until Nirvana is achieved.

Nirvana has to be earned. To achieve Nirvana, requires the precious attribute of an unwavering will that must and will be tested to the very limit of endurance.

In the final stages of the transcendental journey, the practitioner who has decided to realize Nirvana is presented with ferocious swirling energies and characters that appear to threaten. There follows even more, almost unbearably frightful characters and energies.

The exquisite pictorial of Drogdze WANGMO, is Tibetan art that meticulously details the ferocious swirling energies and characters encountered before Nirvana. The artist who is almost certainly fully enlightened, presents extremely precise elements to depict the ultimate journey.

The artwork in Drogdze WANGMO is not to be confused with imaginary folklore. It details the epic meditative journey in all its astonishing aspects. It is beyond a shadow of doubt, the most extraordinary esoteric work that has ever been produced. The course of events is deeply mysterious and defies everything, rational intelligence would consider to be remotely probable!

Drogdze WANGMO
Pictorial of the ferocious swirling energies meditatively encountered before Nirvana.
Courtesy of the Shelly and Rubin Private Collection

The pictorial depicts in exquisite detail the entire meditation journey to Nirvana.

The meditation practitioner is armed with the precious treasure of an unwavering will and has the support of other meditation practitioners.

A meditation practitioner who has decided to seek Nirvana.
Is armed with the precious treasure of an unwavering will.
A meditation practitioner who has decided to achieve Nirvana.
Is armed with the precious treasure of an unwavering will
and has the support of other meditation practitioners.

Early in the transcendental meditation, the practitioner who has made the decision to achieve Nirvana, encounters swirling energies and two frightful characters that betoken what is to follow.

The emergence of swirling energies and two frightful characters
early in the meditative journey to Nirvana

The central character encountered in the meditative pictorial, is Drodgze WANGMO who is the fearsome protector of the ultimate riches. Amid the swirling energies, she is tasked to test the will of the practitioner who has made the decision to realize Nirvana.

Drodgze WANGMO

In the shadowy background, in support of the encounter with Drodgze WANGMO (the primary ferocious energy). Are an almost humorous assortment of the most frightful characters that awkwardly display ferocious energies, and all of them appear to threaten the will of the practitioner.

Amid the swirling energies, these strange looking shadowy characters move about.

When this passage with its extraordinary encounters has completed, and before the final climax of energy fusion. The meditative practitioner encounters in the swirling energies, two feminine characters who have the resemblance of Buddhist divas.

The Divas

The Divas

Beyond verbal description. The extremely power-full fusion of energy and the realization of Nirvana is not easily depictable!

A depiction of the extremely powerful fuse-ion and realization of Nirvana

A person who has realized Nirvana is fully enlightened! They are an extra special powerhouse and must adjust to their unique situation.

In the Tibetan Wheel of Life tangka pictorial. The fully enlightened person has a youthful aura, they are alone (all one) and beautifully at ease, yet they enjoy the wonderful benefit of devoted companionship.

In the Tibetan Wheel of Life pictorial,
the fully enlightened person has a youthful aura and is alone (all one).

A new enlightened sphere 
that embodies knowledge, compassion and justice.
Can and will replace the wheel of life which is
based on ignorance greed and anger!



“The power giving continuance of life, that is present in all living things”

Tao connects the still passive, or what Lao Tzu refers to as the female and allows it to fuse in unity with the perpetually active, or what Lao Tzu refers to as the male:


In practice, awakening the senses and the development of an unwavering will. Does not require dogmas, rituals, prayers or mantras that concentrates the mind inwards and excludes all the other senses. It does not require celibacy, or having to neglect your family or to stop enjoying worldly pursuits. It is an entirely natural exercise in common sense and so it can and should be practiced at anytime or anywhere. For example, it can beneficially be practiced where there is the combined energy of a group, such as a yoga group, a meditation group, a church group, a social group, a school class, a music concert, a sports event, a business group, outdoors surrounded by nature, etc.

The practice of expanding micro cosmic energy to include macro cosmic energy, is the transcendental out-verse and does not involve the mind in the hyperbole of dogma and pre-conditioned thinking. To link microcosmic energy with macrocosmic energy, without the dogma of pre-conditions, is the assured way to developing the precious treasure of an unwavering Will. Tao means to be eternally protected by heaven.


To be eternally protected by heaven

“Attain complete vacuity, manifest steadfast quietude.

All things come into being, and I see thereby their return.

All things flourish, but each one returns to its root.

The return to its root means tranquility.

It is called returning to its destiny.

The return to destiny is called the eternal (Tao).

To know the eternal is called enlightenment.

Not to know the eternal is to act blindly to result in disaster.

He who is eternal is all embracing.

Being all embracing, he is impartial.

Being impartial he is kingly (Universal).

Being kingly, he is one with Nature.

Being one with Nature, he is in accord with Tao.

Being in accord with Tao, he is everlasting, and free from danger throughout his lifetime.

– Lao Tzu

– Ch 16 of the Tao-te-ching written around 500 BC. From the translation by Wing-Tsit ChanA Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy

how the natural world works


“To know that we know what we know

and to know that we do not know what we do not know,

that is true knowledge”

– Nicholas Copernicus


An Extraordinary Genius

Although there are countless scourges which, in general, debilitate kingdoms, principalities, and republics, the four most important, in my judgment, are abnormal dissension, morality, barren soil, and debasement of the currency.

‘The first three are so obvious that nobody is unaware of their existence, but the fourth, which concerns money, is taken into account by few persons and only the most perspicacious, for it undermines states, not by a single attack all at once, but gradually and in a certain covert manner.’  – Nicolaus Copernicus.

The 2023 Doomsday Clock is a wake up call, it is a measure of tyranny. The clock has moved forward and is now set at 90 seconds to midnight! 

Because financial, genetic, social, military or legal engineering do not have the passive binary to unite microcosmic energy and macrocosmic energy, they produce tyranny. They engineer, very little that is of lasting benefit for the great body of people and have mostly compounded distress.

A few people make mega fortunes and derive power from the malignant belief-ism ideologies. They enjoy nutrients, wealth, power and prestige at another’s expense. Like parasites they use this malefic abuse of wealth and power, to perpetrate ruthless wrongdoing against the innocent.

In 1971, we came off the gold standard to a system of debt monetarism ideology, where there is no restriction to the amount of money that can be created. Monetary engineering by the central banks of the world has ensured, that unlimited crony money is given to interconnected corporations and a few individuals.

Through an investment hedge fund corporation, one private corporation whose owners remain secret, owns in the region of twenty one trillion dollars in assets. It has an almost invisible worldwide empire which owns or controls all the competing media organizations, the competing publishing houses, the competing insurance companies, the competing pharmaceutical corporations, they even own the competing household brands such as Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola. This entity provides a shadow government to control the policies of competing political parties, presidents, military, media organization and it probably controls the legal structure in most countries.

The fact is whenever global wealth and its mega power becomes centered in a few hands, then independent businesses and entrepreneurs are unable to compete. By eliminating the productive middle class of employers. Real incomes have declined, job security has been eroded and many millions of working poor do not have sufficient work or funds to repay their debt to the cartel. The central bank’s tyranny, is to print money for global corporations or billionaires to buy up the distressed mortgages. This hideous financial system continues to make the rich unbelievably richer, while across the nations of the world many millions of working poor lose their homes, families and livelihoods.

“Nations are not ruined by one act of violence, but gradually and in an almost imperceptible manner by depreciation of their circulating currency, through its excessive quantity.” – Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1543

Nicolaus Copernicus was educated in the Polish University of Krakow. He also attended the Italian University of Padua and later received a doctorate in canon law from the University of Bologna. Copernicus was not only an acclaimed Renaissance era theological scholar, he was a gifted mathematician, an astronomer, physicist, a practicing physician, a governor, a diplomat and an economist!

In his native Poland, he was assigned with the economic task of monetary reform. It is how he developed the Quantity Theory of Money and formulated what is known in economics today as Gresham’s law. It was 43 years later that Queen Elizabeth 1 of England, appointed Sir Thomas Gresham to rectify the state finances and he famously applied the Copernican QTM. Gresham’s Law is: that bad money is used to drive out good ( or should that be to drive out GOD?).

As a gifted astronomer and mathematician, Copernicus was the first person to make the astronomical deduction that the earth moves around the sun! It took another 80 years before Galileo famously published his proof of this astounding natural phenomenon. The Heliocentric System, is now a conventionally accepted fact and has completely revolutionized science.  

I therefore took this opportunity and also began to consider the possibility that the Earth moved. Although it seemed to be an absurd opinion. Nevertheless, because I knew that others before me had been granted the liberty of imagining whatever circles they wished about the phenomena of the stars. I thought that I would likewise be allowed to test, by assuming some motion of the Earth, whether more dependable representations than theirs could be found for the revolutions of the heavenly spheres.” 

There is yet another astounding discovery, for which Copernicus will be regarded as the most extraordinary gifted genius to have ever lived. With the Binary of Binaries in his book ‘On The Revolution Of Heavenly Spheres’, he astoundingly formulated UTOPIA, the formula of all formula. It is the sum of all knowledge. The binary principle is that every shape, every movement and every aspect of life without exception, conforms to a sphere. A sphere is a closed circuit with an active energy and a passive that provides an electric circuit.

  • “First of all, we must note that the Universe is spherical.”  
  • “In a circle, beginning and end cannot be distinguished from each other.”
  • “The motion of a sphere is rotation in a circle.”  (there is active energy in every sphere)
  • Everything within a sphere, has to conform with the whole.” (a passive applies to every sphere)

 “These things which I am saying now may be obscure, yet they will be made clearer in their proper place:”

On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres












Energy is the force that determines every motion and emotion! There is a double strand of energy, an active and a passive that provides the power which enables life to develop, sustain and reproduce.

As Homo sapiens we are each uniquely equipped to take total control over our own lives and from a binary with its energy, discover the astounding creativity and beauty in every SPHERE of activity.

Copernican knowledge is that every activity relates to a sphere. The Universe is a sphere and it has spheres of activity within its sphere, further spheres of activity operate within these spheres. For example there is a huge ecological sphere, a huge civilization sphere, a huge economic sphere and a huge personal sphere. They have spheres of activity within their spheres.

In the real universe there are thousands of circular motions, and consequently thousands of centers, there would also be thousands of motions upwards and downward.”GALILEO

It is a law of the Universe, that every sphere has a macrocosmic (active) and a microcosmic (passive) energy. There must be an active and a passive to harness energy and create voltage (power)!

Macrocosmic and microcosmic energies combine to provide the power to create, sustain and reproduce all of the ecology, all of the economy, all of civilization and all every living organism.

Each of the senses is a sphere, that is why the exercise in enlightenment is so precise. It ranges from a microcosmic level to the macrocosmic and fuses together all sensory activity within its sphere.

To know the sphere. Is the know the whole truth!

“Divine intellect, by a simple apprehension of the circle’s essence, knows without time-consuming reasoning all the infinity of its properties.


We have habitually learned to think of cause and effect, as a linear event which occurs due to an action. However, all movement is circular and our linear logic does not adequately explain the sequence of cause and effect. The Copernican binary of binaries, relates the binary of cause and effect to a sphere and this cycle provides the correct scientific dimension to our understanding.

Provided that the binary has a still point ie it has a correct passive, the desired effect is produced. It is then like a well oiled machine, where everything is in union and works exactly as it should. 

“Measure what can be measured, and make measurable what cannot be measured.” GALILEO 

Resting attention in the still point or the passive, creates an unwavering Will that connects with the entire sphere of activity. It is a technique that is learnt and applied by all the master crafts people, great artists, great intellectuals, great teachers, great cooks, great musicians, great specialists, great horticulturalists, great scientists, etc. To know the sphere, is the know the whole truth!

“Nothing but rest (passive energy) and circular motion (active energy) being suitable to the preservation of order.”GALILEO

Ideologies are nothing more than pretend make belief-isms and they require the tyranny of an administration.

For thousands of years we have been indoctrinated by the ideological illusion of a linear progression, when in reality everything in life relates to a circle. The Universe endowed with all the dimensions, is sustainable perfection. The laws of the Universe are absolute, self sufficient, objective and should not be subject to human decisions or conventions! God’s spiritual creation does not need to be socially engineered, financially engineered, genetically engineered, militarily engineered, geo-engineered, biologically engineered, pharmaceutically engineered, legally engineered, woke engineered or cyber engineer for artificial intelligence .

“As if it were not a most admirable and praiseworthy feature of demonstrative science, that it springs from and grows out of principles that are well known, understood and conceded by all.”  – GALILEO

A double strand of energy provides power. The planets in our solar system celestially circulate energy through macro cosmic orbits and the breath of terrestrial forces, orbitally circulates micro cosmic energy. These two energies combine and provide the power required for everything in God’s spiritual creation to develop, live and reproduce.

When the correct passives are applied to the ecology, the economy and civilization, there is no need for ideology. Without fear or favors, the laws of the Universe apply equally to everyone.  The macrocosmic and microcosmic energies are common to all forms of life.

There is absolutely no need to have unrealistic ideologies that impose technocratic control. Or engineer to genetically modify crops, to socially engineer humans, to engineer a cyber currency or to create obscene wealth inequality. In a correct binary system there would be no need for the bureaucracy of a myriad laws, rules and regulations. There would be no need for misleading news, corporate censorship, rigged markets, redefine the family, create pandemics, introduce digital passports, etc., all of these remove our sovereign rights to liberty, equality and fraternity.

To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.” Nicolaus Copernicus



Wine is sunlight, held together

by water


For the world to have a proficient supply of sustenance, depends entirely on the ecological sphere. The sun is the epicenter of the ecological sphere, its stable passive is the binary that sustains the planet. In a natural cycle, a seed from a tomato will produce a tomato plant. That plant produces hundreds of delicious fruits and at the same time provides several thousand more tomato seeds. Anyone with a flower pot or enterprising and has several thousand pots to plant. Can freely have this beneficial fresh produce and they can add many more with every new season.

 “The first is that the different aspects of the sun are so essential for our various species, that they could not exist without them.” – GALILEO


The depravity of global corporatism, is that it provides the legal means to control all the wealth on the planet. In what amounts to a totally mean, miserable perversity of wanting to control the naturally prolific ecological cycle. Injecting a new DNA into the plant, modifies its genetic code and makes the plant cycle sterile. The plants from its seed cannot reproduce to provide a new generation of sustenance.

 Farmers who are persuaded or legally forced to buy these seeds, are obligated to continually buy patented GMO seed from soulless corporations. Poisoning our bodies with chemicals over the past ten years, has drastically reduced the sperm count of western males by 50%!

It always seems to me extreme rashness on the part of some when they want to make human abilities the measure of what nature can do. On the contrary, there is not a single effect in nature, even the least that exists, such that the most distinguished theorists can arrive a complete understanding of it.”GALILEO

Poisoning the land, birds, bees and tiny insects with insecticides is to undertake everything that is considered immoral, yet we compromise our values and remain deadly silent. The perverse irony is that if the humble earthworm is destroyed, the entire ecosystem and all life on the planet will probably cease.

If instead the Luciferian belief-ism ideologies of corporatism, monetarism, legalism, socialism, communism, capitalism and militarism ceased. Then corporations, central banks, politicians and the military would be totally unnecessary. The diverse ecology would be prolific and most probably our bank balances, immune systems and the quality of our lives would be considerably healthier.


“I have always taken great joy in the things I have found out, and next to this greatest pleasure I rank that of discussing them with a few friends who understand them and show a liking for them.” – GALILEO

To have the fellowship of good company, depends on the civilization sphere. The center point or stable passive of the civilization sphere is the family unit and the ethics of family values. Mutual respect and fraternity fostered in the family unit, naturally leads to a world with fraternity and mutual respect. In every culture, the family unit of father, mother, sons, daughters, grandparents, etc., is the binary to ensure society is stable and able to perpetually renew.

Orwellian lockdowns, DNA altering vaccines, vaccine passports, face masks, digital currencies, scannable ID and promoting perpetual fear are a very mean, miserable perversity against the innocent. The introduction of vaccine passports and digital ID are part of an AGENDA to place our social credits on a blockchain. Without a vaccine passport or digital ID linked to artificial intelligence, we will no longer be able to travel from home unchecked, attend school or be permitted to commercially interact. To control every aspect of our lives, the digital ID will be extended to digital currencies that will determine what we are permitted to spend and to internet login.

A very probable outcome is that exactly like GM plants. The injection of a new DNA into human cells, will genetically modify the Homo sapiens genome. It will permanently sever the natural cycle of human life of birth and rebirth leaving the soul in limbo for eternity, destroy the natural immune system and create sterility.

Family is the binary in life that connects with emotional energy. The family may not always be considered to be emotionally perfect, yet family is our most precious and important binary in life. To have a completely stable, happy, prosperous and civilized society, does not require the depraved perversity of an elite to determine our food, politics, sexualize our children, control the internet, impose work conditions or genetically interfere with human biology. Intrusions in the form of pandemic engineering, genetic engineering, social engineering, financial engineering, legal engineering, geo-engineering, legal engineering, cyber-engineering, bio-engineering and military engineering are immoral. They are completely insulting to our intelligence. They yield nothing to advance civilization. Yet we are entirely submissive to the power elite and compromise the entire future of humanity!


Two truths cannot contradict


Our freedom to engage in commerce, depends on the economic sphere. The center point or the stable passive at the center of the economic sphere are nature’s precious metals. When choosing a correct passive at the core of economic activity, gold is indestructible and accepted everywhere in the world as monetary wealth. Gold bullion in the treasury, is a fully accountable sovereign asset and it belongs to the people. It has existed as stable monetary wealth for several thousand years and provides the natural capital to back a nations currency. Gold is physically indestructible and has proven to maintain a stable value over thousands of years. This stable monetary attribute and its natural wealth, binds people to beneficial activities and structures that ensure long lasting prosperity.

In practice, prosperity which is wealth, health and happiness, must be the sovereign right of everyone and not the privilege of a self chosen few. Prosperity is clearly not accomplished, by the despicable central bank use of debt to create money. Debt is used, to pump trillions that funds a world system of corporate governance. It serves to impoverish the many and the ability for a private organization to print unlimited money, benefits a select few with monstrous wealth and power.

It is equally preposterous to believe that prosperity can be achieved, because trade decides to use technocratic digital currencies, euros, yen, Federal Reserve notes or some other invented form of magical finance. Sustainable prosperity, is solidly grounded in reality and comes from a binary with physical wealth that is sovereign to everyone “of the people, by the people, for the people”.  The store of gold bullion in the treasury can be added to. It can be revalued and most important it has the dual pre-requisite along with silver, of being stable physical wealth that can be traded both on its own merit, or stored as wealth to back the nation’s currency.

Just as energy, can either be used for positive means or negative means. Our human destiny is not a compromise. There are two totally different world systems and we choose to bind with one system or the other. One system, provides assured freedom and the guarantee of prosperity from the correct binary with the prolific Universe. The other system is oppressive tyranny from all the mean, miserable and perverse ideology-isms that seek to dictate every aspect of our lives.

As can be expected from the binary of sovereign monetary wealth. Gold is refined, it is fully accountable, completely stable, equitable and morally ethical for trade and commerce. With its sovereign and other precious attributes, gold as money turns the tables on tyranny and holds firmly in check the pernicious activities of banks, corporations, military, politicians and the technocratic state to a very strict account. 

‘Although gold and silver are not by nature money, money is by nature gold and silver.

 – Karl Marx. (1818-1883).

As a currency, the passive wealth of gold is the correct binary to reset a broken economy.  It provides assured stability and an economy in which wealth is continually renewed.  A truly productive and sustainable economy, does not require the central bank financially engineered boom followed by a deflationary depression. A boom followed by a deflationary bust is a result of creating unlimited money, by continually increasing the burden of debt.


“It is not enough for a conclusion to be noble and great, the point is treating it nobly”GALILEO

The sun, the family and gold are sovereign, stable, passive, indestructible and inviolable. As a binary, they wholly relate to their respective spheres of activity. They are are virtually guaranteed to determine a perfect outcome. These extraordinary primary binary, naturally ensure the correct sequence of cause and effect. The binary of the sun, family and gold are more than generously able to maintain a naturally flourishing ecology, civilization and economy! 

To discover the binary that dictates the sequence of how the natural world works, is by definition the sole purpose of science. 


When science is based on the binary principles of the spherical Universe, we untangle the world wide web of confusion. The world resets to the binary of a sphere which provides the foundations for a natural cyclical agriculture, civilization and commerce. 

To produce all the foods we eat, farming and fishing respect the natural cycle. In the wonderful circle of life, the next generation of farmer, fishermen or women will continue to work the same land and the same waterways as their ancestors have done. 

“Among men there are some who understand agriculture better than others; but what has knowing how to plant a grapevine in a ditch got to do with knowing how to make it take root, draw nourishment, take from this some part good for building leaves, some other for forming tendrils, this for the bunches, that for the grapes, the other for the skins, all this being the work of the most wise Nature? This is one single particular example of the innumerable works of Nature, and in this alone may be recognized an infinite wisdom; hence one may conclude that Divine wisdom is infinitely infinite.”GALILEO

The family tradition of a father, mother, sons and daughters, is the natural cycle for human renewal. All generations carry on this exact same caring tradition. 

Commerce backed by the monetary wealth of gold, is generally debt free and can perpetually maintain a level playing field with equal opportunity for all citizens. As an indestructible physical element, the quantity of gold mined has increased in a similar proportion to population growth. Gold has always maintained its purchasing value and like water, land and traditional family values, the same gold will exist for use by the next generation.  

When a passive binary such as the sun, family or gold is conjoined with activity, its stability gives rise to meaningful motion and genuine emotion. The sun, family and gold might give the appearance of being non essential, yet they passively sustain and nourish all the things that we truly value in life: 

“The sun with all the planets around it and depending on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as though it had nothing else in the Universe to do.”  –  GALILEO

Sustenance, fraternity, commerce, the assurance of freedom and a guarantee of prosperity are the beneficial outcome from the extraordinary binary of the sun, family and gold. Clearly we do not require much else in life. We do not need corporations to incorporate wealth, we do not need political interference to dictate human values and we do not need central banks to divert finance away from productive activity. If they are intended to provide for the perpetual well being of Homo sapiens, then ideologies are a complete failure. They inequitably favor a few with extreme wealth, power and privilege and ruin everything else that they touch. To re-use the proverb quoted by Copernicus: “There is no medicine for the bite of a parasite”.

Passion is the genesis of




When we individually embrace the binary of a stable passive that applies to every sphere of activity. It will initiate a renaissance of knowledge that will lead to tremendous discoveries and achievements. A time of enlightenment and creativity in all aspects of education, arts, music, language, societal well-being, commerce, enterprise and all the sciences.

Just as with the astounding Copernican heliocentric model for the world and the Copernican quantity theory of money. With the Copernican binary of binaries based on the spherical Universe. Humanity can enjoy the calm assured confidence of a flourishing economy and an emotionally dignified world. To create this near utopian existence, Copernicus has provided the world with the irrefutable scientific formula of all formulae. It makes all of the very mean, miserable, perverse belief-ism ideological models and their destructive need for horrific doomsday nuclear weapons or genocidal vaccines completely obsolete.

The binary of a stable, indestructible and inviolable passive is absolutely certain to accomplish a perfect result.



The half truths in belief-isms are used to impose the fear of reasonable doubt.

On the other hand knowledge is to be found by applying Universal principles.

A very important hypothetical truth to consider: If the entire population of the world were placed in Australia, the world’s smallest continent. The average family of five would occupy a little over 1.25 acres of land.

That scenario would leave all of Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and South America which have far larger land masse than Australia, with no inhabitants.

Clearly the world contains more than sufficient fertile land as well as oceans, rivers, lakes, cities, towns, villages and hamlets to wonderfully cater for the entire human population.

“Divine intellect, by a simple apprehension of the circle’s essence, knows without time-consuming reasoning all the infinity of its properties.”GALILEO


The insatiable lust by an ‘elite’ for unlimited personal wealth, power and privilege, has meant there are no easy solutions for the heartless and mindless violence caused by their deranged social, genetic, financial and military engineering. Whether their horrendous economic and social engineered violence, is from a biologically released laboratory created viral pandemic; the military engineered destruction of resource rich countries; central bank engineered crony finance; school teachers and media engineered to corrupt the morals of children; corporations that engineer to poison the land, birds, bees and insects or social media platforms engineered to behave like an arrogant abusive cyber bully. The abhorrent use of military engineering and the abhorrent use of social engineering, is how a civilization dies. The abhorrent use of financial engineering is how an economy dies. The abhorrent use of genetic engineering is how an ecology and Homo sapiens dies. The abhorrent abuse of cyber engineering with artificial intelligence is how humanity dies. The abhorrent use of legal engineering is how sovereign democracy dies. To repeat the proverb quoted by Copernicus: “There is no medicine for the bite of a parasite”.

Ideologies are unsubstantiated beliefs, assumptions and ideas, that have served to keep the world imprisoned within a dystopian paradigm of ignorance, greed and anger. They create disunity and polarize society into holding opposing beliefs such as left wing ideologies v right wing ideologies, capitalism v socialism, one religious belief versus another religious belief, etc.

“Oh, the inexpressible baseness of abject minds! To make themselves slaves willingly; to accept decrees as inviolable, to place themselves under obligation and to call themselves persuaded and convinced by arguments that are “so powerful” and “clearly conclusive” that they themselves cannot tell the purpose for which they are written, or what conclusion they serve to prove.”GALILEO

Whether the belief-ism ideology mandates allegiance to a Chinese style of communism, western capitalism, monetarism, corporatism, globalism, socialism, wokeism or militarism. Ideologies are an institutionalized lie. They provide a cloak, as a cover for fascism. All of these fascist ideologies are funded by the binary of central bank anti-sovereign debt money. All these fascist ideologies unduly entitle the administrators to extravagant lifestyles, wealth, media adulation, privileges and usually the bureaucratic power to impose tyranny without recourse!  

It has become an institutionally imposed ‘thought crime’ to openly question those, who out of a self-important hubris have chosen to be the final authority on a belief-ism ideology. 

In short ideologies have institutionalized an unholy mess, where man fights against fellow man. While the Machiavellian autocrats and bureaucrats who have divided society, created the wars, vaccinated and impoverished the majority of people are never held to account.

Really it is a great pleasure to talk with discriminating persons, especially when people are progressing and reasoning from one truth to another. For my part I more often encounter heads so thick that I have repeated a thousand times that which you have just seen immediately for yourself, I never manage to get through to them.”GALILEO


Machiavelli, Prince of Democracy

Niccolo Machiavelli was a seasoned career diplomat during the Italian Renaissance and is recognized, as the founder of modern day political theory. He had a political focus based solely on selfishness, ‘he was in it for executive privileges, adulation, power and personal gain’.

Most famously he had a psychopathic belief that the end justifies the means, as a result Machiavelli held a narcissist unemotional cynical disregard for morality. In his book ‘The Prince’ Machiavelli described immoral behavior such as dishonesty, wars and the killing of innocents as being both normal and effective in politics. In recommending the perpetual use of propaganda. He endorsed a system of official lies and to further the establishment’s political agenda, appeared to fully endorse politically sanctioned murder.

Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’ is quoted and revered as ‘the rule book’ by virtually every political science writer. With a doctrine of self-interest, secrecy and lies of deceit that are fully supported by a compromised and compliant fake media. The duplicitous influence of Machiavelli today on career politicians, is beyond immense.

In the upper echelons of political, financial, corporate and military power, Machiavelli’s disciples would seem to be legion. In what would appear to be a faustian pact, they always look after their own and are rarely held to account.

Even Shakespeare referenced Machiavelli three times in his plays. It is most likely, because of Shakespeare ‘Old Nick’ became the English term for the Devil.

“There is no need to try to convert men who define by generalizing and cannot make room for distinctions, just in order to have such fellows for our company in very subtle and delicate doctrines. Besides with all the proofs in the world what would you expect to accomplish in the minds of people who are too stupid to recognize their own limitations? ”  GALILEO 


Galileo, Founder of Modern Science

I decided to appear openly in the theater of the world as a witness of the sober truth!



Galileo was an eminently renowned scientist, astrologer, engineer and inventor during the Florentine renaissance. He was appointed court mathematician to the ruling Medici family and was professor for advanced mathematics in Pisa University.

Galileo was subjected to a show trial designed to publicly disparage his person and end any dialogue or discussion, on his proof that all motion is circular and circular motion can be perpetually maintained. This revolutionary knowledge would have ended all reliance on ideology, it would have discredited much of the Abrahamic religious doctrine and provided a utopian system for the world:

“From which it seems to me one may reasonably conclude that for the maintenance of perfect order among the parts of the universe, it is necessary to say that moveable bodies are movable only circularly; if there are any that do not move circularly, these are necessarily immovable, nothing but rest and circular motion being suitable to the preservation of order.”  –  GALILEO

To change the narrative of his trial and exclude any discussion of his scientific proof, the inquisitors based the trail on religious ideology. The inquisition applied an extremely dubious trumped up Biblical charge based on an innocuous sentence in a Psalm. The kangaroo court sentenced Galileo to serve a term of full life imprisonment. In addition all his scientific work was banned.

Due to continued indoctrination of the religious lie. The revelation about the circular nature of life contained in Galileo’s ‘A Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems’ and its immense significance, have remained unexplored for almost four hundred years:

“I think that in the discussion of natural problems we ought to begin not with religion, but with experiments and demonstrations”  –  GALILEO

Galileo understood the principle of circular motion and clearly risked his life, to publish a discussion about the two different systems for the world. There can be a utopian existence, that functions and prospers in synchrony with the perpetual circular energy of the Universe. Or there can be a top down ideological divide of society, where an elite impose ever increasing economic and social tyranny!

“That metaphysical proposition is correct which says that the true and beautiful are one and the same, as are likewise the false and ugly.”  –  GALILEO


 “Allow me therefore the customary liberty of introducing some of our human fancies, for indeed we may so call them in comparison with supernatural truth which furnishes the one true and safe recourse for decision in our discussions and which is an infallible guide in the dark and dubious paths of thought.”

“I take pleasure in every kind of musical instrument and have paid considerable attention to harmony.”

“As to the times of vibrations of bodies suspended by threads of different lengths, they bear to each other the same proportion as the square roots of the lengths of the thread; or one might say the lengths are to each other as the squares of the times; so that if one wishes to make the vibration time of one pendulum twice that of another, he must make its suspension four times as long.”

“A string which has been struck begins to vibrate and continues the motion as long as one hears the sound. These vibrations cause the immediately surrounding air to vibrate and quiver, then these ripples in the air expand into space and strike not only all the strings of the same instrument, but even those of neighboring instruments. 

Since that string which is tuned to unison with the one plucked is capable of vibrating with the same frequency, it acquires at the first impulse a slight oscillation. After receiving two, three, twenty or more impulses, delivered at proper intervals, it finally accumulates a vibratory motion equal to that of the plucked string, as is clearly shown by the amplitude in vibrations. This undulation expands through the air and sets into vibration not only strings, but also any other body which happens to have the same period as that of the plucked string.”

“A glass of water may be made to emit a tone merely by the friction of the fingertip upon the rim of the glass; for in this water is produced a series of regular waves. The same phenomenon is observed to better advantage by fixing the base of the goblet into the bottom of a rather large vessel of water filled nearly to the edge of the goblet; for as before, when we sound the glass by friction of the finger, we shall see ripples spreading with the utmost regularity and with high speeds to large distances from the base of the glass.”

“I have often observed, in thus sounding a rather large glass filled nearly full with water, that at first the waves are spaced with great uniformity, and when, as sometimes happens, the tone of the glass jumps an octave higher, I have noticed that at this moment each of the aforesaid waves divides into two; a phenomenon which shows clearly that the ratio involved in the octave is two.”GALILEO


When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing—when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors—when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you—when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice—you may know that your society is doomed.”
Ayn Rand; Atlas Shrugged, 1957


Legalism was the synthesis of Hang Fei Tzu, around 300 B.C. His synthesis, is probably the closest that we can come to understanding the nature of politics and the power which is derived from a system of laws.

Hang Fei Tzu defined legalism as:

“The accumulation of political power to control the people.

The most effective way to control the people. Is for rulers to mandate laws that impose severe behavioral punishment for anyone who breaks the law and conversely, to provide generous rewards for those who obey the law.

Everything that legalists do, is about the accumulation of power. The continual use of propaganda, the imposition of perpetual wars, the addition of more and more laws, the subjugation of the individual to the state, uniformity of thought and the use of force, all contribute to the power of the ruler.

It may seem to be an obvious requirement that to have a just legal system, its laws must apply equally. However a system of equitable laws, would present the legalists with a real conundrum. For the political system of control to work, the rulers must secrete absolute power! That is why all legalism systems practice ‘STATECRAFT’. It allows the rulers to circumvent their own laws! 


Statecraft is where the heads of ministerial departments are appointed to those positions and the rulers power, is derived from ‘SECRECY’.

Under STATECRAFT, the people are not permitted to have access to ‘State Secrets’ and must accept to have their fate controlled.

The practice of state secrets has meant the establishment of a secret service to spy on citizens at home and abroad, such as the CIA, FSB, Mossad, MI6, French Intelligence, etc. The practice of STATECRAFT and SECRECY, has also given rise to ‘Secret Societies’ that operate behind the scenes as a global network, to mould and control the world.

There is an intriguing story related in The Tibetan Secret Revealed, of how in the winter of 1959 a major secret society came to be given the Tibetan secret. It was given to the society, in an Ashram situated at the foothills of the Himalayas by monks who fled the carnage of Chinese revolutionaries. The knowledge of perfect unity, where mind is understood to be one of six senses. Would ensure the conscious enlightenment of humanity and bring the power of secrecy to an end. This astounding Tibetan knowledge was perfected for over 1200 years and leads to instant enlightenment. The knowledge was given based on a promise that it would be widely disseminated throughout the societies network of lodges. The promise to the monks was broken and instead the knowledge of human psychology, has been used to further divide, control and enslave mankind.

People working under apparent secret orders can seemingly murder at will, can change popes, can change governments, can economically cripple nations, can start wars through a false flag event, can rewrite history, can influence education and through media and movies brain wash the masses.

In a battle against everything that is considered good, wholesome and natural, they employ symbolism and rituals, infiltrate governments, corporations and institutions.


I never met a man so stupid,

that I could not learn

something from him!


The legalist ideology of laws, together with the rulers use of STATECRAFT, is the technique to impose ‘FATALISM’.

The disquieting doctrine of FATALISM is that whenever events are planned and fixed in advance, human beings are powerless to change them. As a result of fatalism, a majority of Homo sapiens are resigned to blindly follow an agenda and accept whatever the system brings. They become obedient servants of the Establishment!

Throughout life they carry a vain fatalist belief that somehow or other, matters will democratically improve under the next set of political rulers.


The doctrine of Universal love, involves promoting the humanism of family values and it is never part of the political agenda.

Perhaps it needs a mothers intuition when it comes to properly explain the relevance of human compassion, teach the importance of mutual respect and explain to the people of the world how they ought to practice universal love. “The problem with the world is that we draw the circle of the family too small” Mother Theresa


In contrast to a system of laws in the Abrahamic West. Chinese society steered away from legalism and chose a HUMANIST system based on Confucian rules which define what it means to be HUMAN. Unlike legalism, humanism embraces human empathy, there is a great respect for the family tradition and a deep understanding of RULE BY PRINCIPLE.

Most Chinese philosophies have elaborated on the concept of humanism that was laid out by Confucius. Mencius added to Confucian rules and promoted the ideal of inherent human goodness. Among other important influences, Confucianism fluidly mingled with the natural way of Lao Tsu, the mystical way of Chuang Tzu, the beneficial doctrines of Mo Tzu and the synthesis of Chu Hsi.

Legalism ideology did replace humanism for a very brief period. Legalism quickly led to the dictatorship of Ch’in (221-206 B.C.), with the tightest regimentation of life and thought in Chinese history. Its ideology was soon rejected by the Chinese people.

To change the humanism society and enslave its people, the dictatorial communists adopted the western central bank’s debt ideology of monetarism. It is not coincidence that the CENTRAL BANK OF OF CHINA is also owned and operated by the secretive Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland, along with ALL of the other major central banks in the world !!!

An ‘UNHOLY’ alliance of legalism, debt monetarism and fatalism, has allowed the Chinese People’s Party to introduce a technocratic system of totalitarian control.

Mao’s three communist principles for the cultural revolution were democracy, science and people. Under the unholy alliance of legalism, debt monetarism and fatalism they have become anti-democratic, anti-scientific and anti-people!


“To me a great ineptitude exists on the part of those who would have it that God made the universe more in proportion to the small capacity of their reason than to His immense, His infinite power.”GALILEO


The globalist agenda, implies the creation of a fascist, dictatorial and totalitarian system of corporate governance!

“They know that it is human nature to take up causes whereby a man may oppress his neighbor, no matter how unjustly…. Hence they have no trouble in finding men, who would preach the damn ability and heresey of the new doctrine from the very pulpit…”GALILEO

Everything Sovereign is Neutered

Note: In order for fascism to succeed, everything sovereign must be neutered and replaced with a new modified reality. The new financial engineered, social engineered, pharmaceutical engineered, military engineered, cyber engineered, bio-engineered, geo-engineered and corporate engineered reality then becomes the unthinkable, which is HELL ON EARTH.

The Bank for International Settlements in Basle Switzerland, are the central bank of all the central bank anti-sovereign (Luciferian) money. To prevent gold and silver from being used as the peoples sovereign money. They operate a system of trading desks, bullion banks and algorithms minute by minute on a daily basis, to neuter the sovereign wealth of precious metals.

With a pre-planned agenda, the military industrial complex neuters sovereign resource rich countries such as Libya, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Somalia and Afghanistan. It is hardly a coincidence that most of these countries are or were among the very few remaining, with central banks which are independent of the Bank for International Settlements!

The hideous GMO corporations such BASF, Bayer, DuPont, Dow Chemical Company, Monsanto and Syngenta dominate the agricultural market. That is, they own the world’s seed, pesticide and biotechnology industries. Some of these GMO corporations neuter sovereign plant seed by injecting an artificial DNA into healthy plant cells. The next generation of plants have a sterile seed and farmers must buy GM plants from these GMO corporations. With an unthinkable devastating effect that will end the Homo sapiens species Pfizer, Moderna, J & J, Astra Zeneca, etc., inject a similar technology in humans.

For Luciferian powers to prevent civilization from regenerating as a cohesive unit, they must neuter the family and family values. That is why they try to change the definition of family and apply social engineering to neuter the role of the family, as the nucleus of society.

With fascism or Luciferian-ism everything that is good, precious and sovereign in the world, such as gold, the ecology, the family are neutered. Corporations are a purely artificial creation, which means they have no soul to provide empathy for the principles of life. Fascist corporations provide the world with artificial intelligence, fake news, artificial meat, artificial sweeteners, create GM crops, inject synthetic DNA to create a trans-human race, promote a digital identity and want to impose digital currencies that will end all individual autonomy.

Fascist corporations ensure that we lose our wealth and the economic ability to be self sufficient. Fascist authorities want a new definition of family, to restrict travel, prohibit our right to gather in groups, suppress freedom of expression and now that they are able to pre determine elections, there is probably no longer any need for us to vote. 

For the first time ever, our healthy human cells are to be injected with a new DNA. This science genetically sterilizes the seed of plants and it will engineer to neuter the sperm of future generations. This will lead to eugenics and through the implanted fusion of nano-technology, it will biologically create a trans human race with a digital identity. As though they are preparing us in advance for a future of trans-humanism. Congress have declared that this year they want to introduce gender neuter terms for the family such as spouse, siblings, etc. So that family does not include the gender terms of mother, father, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, grandmothers or grandfathers. 

To expect a sovereign and equitable society based on ideological beliefs, mRNA vaccines and the private issue of money, is naively to rely on an incorrect binary.

Truth is never a compromise, there are TWO totally different world systems and we choose to bind with one or the other. One system, provides the assured freedom and guarantee of prosperity from a binary with the prolific Universe. The other system is oppressive tyranny from a binary with all the mean, miserable and perverse ideology-isms that seek to dictate every aspect of our lives.

“Logic, as it is generally understood, is the organ with which we philosophize. But just as it may be possible for a craftsman to excel in making musical instruments and still not know how to play them, so one might be a great logician and still be inexpert in making use of logic. Some people enjoy all the precepts of da Vinci and yet do not know how to paint a stool or a chair.”GALILEO



The sum of all knowledge


There is an Athenian binary that would guarantee a representative and sovereign democratic government that is “of the people, for the people and by the people.” Government is chosen by lot from the populace (who realistically should be above a certain age and probably demonstrated to have life skills such as in horticulture, family, public service or commerce)!

This system may appear to require placing our trust in the strength of human nature. However people ‘that are of the people’ are from the compassionate, caring and well-balanced majority who regardless of their sex, age or education, have always been ready and willing to look out for one another. They are people who if selected, are likely to legislate with immense honor and have a great deal more compassionate empathy, than all the aloof corporate owned demagogues of the institutionalized political parties! 


Debt and money based on debt are not real things, they are legal constructs that are designed to take away real things. The taking away of real things leads to deprivation and subjugation.

Money based on debt has led to a totally immoral, out of control financial system that is directed without compassion against the economic good and welfare of the great body of people on the planet. The population of the planet have been forced to financially depend on a parasitic economic charade, created and implemented by the private owners of central banks.

Collapse of the world economy, pensions and social security from excessive debt, is a mathematically assured certainty and will be magnitudes greater than the financial horrors of the great depression. The debt crisis, is a liquidity crisis. The fact of the matter is, without ever expanding debt (liquidity), the entire financial system shuts down. It will devastate the lives of the great body of people who are totally unprepared for the catastrophic collapse, due to the establishment overlord’s reckless mismanagement.

To lessen the enormous destruction of innocent lives. The monetary cause of the devastating economic collapse, needs to be responsibility tackled before it happens.

Money defines our enterprise, independence, prosperity and economic freedom.

Before President Nixon in 1971 replaced an economic system based on a partial gold standard, for a completely synthetic monetary system. It is estimated that the enterprising middle class in the United States, created in the region of 200,000 net new businesses annually.

Instead of continuing under a gold standard, with currency that was at least partially backed by the nations gold reserves and prospering exceedingly from the compounded dynamic of 200,000 new middle class businesses created each year. 

The new found ability for the central banks to issue their own synthetic currency, has enabled them to provide unlimited finance for corporations to incorporate the majority of the world’s wealth creating assets and natural resources. It has wiped out the middle class who treated their employees as family!

Corporations now control most of the means of production and decide the distribution of income, wealth and commodities. The employees of corporations are given few rights or have the assurance of long term employment. It is a big risk to take on a mortgage and raise a family knowing that tomorrow, you can become unemployed!

Corporations also control the propaganda media, set wages and working conditions, use robotics, destroy the environment, misuse healthcare, control the political apparatus and operate the insidious military industrial complex that profits from perpetual war.

The enormous financial advantages that are afforded to them by the central banks. Allows corporations to continually compound an almost totalitarian ownership of global wealth and dictate the social environment. It has allowed them to poison the world’s population for profit and use deadly toxins, to sterilize or destroy much of the wonderful natural ecosystem required for present and future generations.

Unable to compete in a centralized financially rigged market, the number of middle class businesses who care for their employees and contribute to local communities, has dropped from creating 200,000 new businesses annually to become net negative. 

For the great body of people in the United States and elsewhere who desire no more than a just society for their families, for their communities and for themselves. The conditions in an economy under the tyranny of corporatism has meant home ownership, job security and real wages have all steadily declined. While the fortunes of a few have grown to be beyond all human imagination.

How banks create new money:

“Whenever a bank makes a loan,
it simultaneously creates a matching deposit
in the borrower’s bank account,
thereby creating new money”
Quarterly Report, Q1 2014  

Monetary inflation means as the quantity of money in circulation increases, it devalues the purchasing power of existing money and this forces the prices for goods and services to go up. By corruptly excluding essentials from the calculation of the inflation index, such as food and energy plus other underhanded means. Government statistics are used to deny working people, pensioners and welfare recipients sufficient incomes to keep pace with monetary inflation. 

To survive with a measure of dignity, the new poor are continually forced to borrow the income shortfall and are charged a horrendous interest penalty. It is perniciously borrowed from commercial banks, who are licensed agents for the cartel of central banks and authorized to issue newly created money as debt. The continual supply of new money issued as debt, causes a never ending inflationary spiral. As more debt is borrowed, it increases the quantity of central bank money in circulation and further inflates the cost of living. This insidious debt monetary inflation spiral continues to repeat ad-infinitum. 

The ever increasing inflationary supply of money issued as debt is the reason why the original 1913 Federal Reserve Note, the US dollar has a purchasing value of less than three cents today. 

Letter to their New York Associates in 1863, laying the foundation for the Federal Reserve Act:

“The few that understand the system will be so interested in its profits
or be so dependent upon its favours
that there will be no opposition from that class.
While on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage
that capital derives from the system.
Will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” 

To end the tyranny of poverty, wars and injustice, it is essential to implement a ‘wholistic’ world system  that relates to the whole sphere. Based on proven science that the motion of the Universe is circular energy.

An analogy that explains a ‘wholistic’ perception, is the analogue watch where time is visually referenced to a circle that shows a twelve hour period. A digital watch on the other hand best explains a linear perception, it only tells the current time.

Time is a wholistic measure of circular motion. It measures the entire twenty four hour period that it takes for the earth to rotate on its axis. A year with its seasons is a measure of the earths annual orbit around the sun. A month is a measure based on the moon’s orbit around the earth, etc.

A ‘wholistic’ approach is to sensibly reverse what has caused the endless poverty, tyranny and wars. This means that the debt based monetary system has to be cancelled and the concentration of incorporated assets, has to be returned for the productive benefit of the great body of people. A new and precise mandate for the establishment must be provided based on natural scientific principles.

Gold stored in the national treasury, is an asset that belongs to each one of its citizens. When that gold is properly valued and used to back the currency, there is no requirement for a central bank to act as the counter party that issues synthetic inflationary money as debt. The nation can and will responsibly use its own wealth capital and not debt, as the means to fund wealth creating enterprises.

Gold is a fully accountable monetary asset par excellence, it is exquisite, rare, precious, tangible, portable and divisible. As a monetary metal it has proven to hold asset prices stable over periods of several hundred years. As monetary wealth, it is ‘wholistic’, its economic value benefits the nation as a whole and the individual. It is definitely not digital money, it is stable, tangible and completely accountable. It cannot be programmed, counterfeited, hacked, duplicated by numerous competing versions, legislated out of existence or lost in cyberspace.

The wholistic science of circular motion is uncomplicated electromagnetic physics. Every sphere of activity is a closed circuit and has both a circular motion and a passive energy to power activity within its sphere. When applied to the ecological sphere, the civilization sphere and the economic sphere, a correct passive benefits everyone without the need for executive oversight.

In the wholistic science of circular motion, the sun is the passive center of the ecological sphere and provides sustenance for every living thing on the planet. The family is the center of the civilization sphere and provides a stable society of like minded people. Gold is the center of the economic sphere and provides a stable, productive environment that ensures equitable opportunity for all citizens.

The levels of enterprise under a gold standard are normally more than sufficient to renew or add to the nation’s wealth. Meaning that the nation’s gold reserves remain intact in the treasury, as a source of constant wealth to back the currency. The treasuries stock of gold will only be depleted under exceptional unproductive circumstances, such as to pay for wars or imperial extravaganza. This has been the case throughout history.

Without the corrupt benefit of synthetic paper to derive a book keeping monetary leverage. The unproductive in society, are no longer unfairly able to speculate using paper values in order to live and prosper off the economic backs of others.

Gold is indestructible and yet it is easily divisible, it is used for delicate gold leaf and fine jewelry. All the gold ever produced still exists today. The amount of gold mined each year, approximately equates to the growth in population. 

For several thousand years, gold has provided a store of value that has protected wealth for the generations to come. A Roman gold coin today has approximately the same purchasing power as in Roman times. Roman paper money or counterfeit money, would have long ago disintegrated into nothingness.

Gold has a natural inbuilt compound interest that protects the holder from the continual devaluation of the central banker’s synthetic fiat. 

Today gold is fluctuating in the region of $2,000 plus an ounce and has increased by over 10,000% from $20.67 an ounce in 1913, when the private Federal Reserve Bank was given the mandate to issue the nation’s currency.  

Synthetic money has been used to transfer over 97% of the nations wealth that was used to back the original private Federal Reserve dollar, to a few connected entities. The 1913 dollar for the majority, has lost at least 97% of its value and it is now worth less than 3 cents. 

Gold does not have a national currency and is accepted or exchanged as a unit of monetary wealth anywhere in the world.

For several thousand years every country in the world has used either gold or silver, to trade internationally without the need for fluctuating artificial exchange rates. It provides a precise guarantee of full monetary worth that is acceptable to both parties.

A gold standard provides assurances, that a nation’s finances are independent from monetary subordination to a foreign controlled private central banking cartel. 

GALILEO “There Are Two Principal World Systems.” 

The practical question ought to be, how best to transition from a deeply flawed linear world system based on beliefs, to a factual world system based on the principle of circular motion.

It should come as no surprise to find that our beliefs are the ideas that create ideologies and they are unscientific nonsense. Every ideology requires the administration of an executive and this bureaucracy imposes the tyranny of countless rules, laws and regulations which remove our freedoms, while on the other hand they provide monstrous favors to a few. 

Living in an interconnected sphere, means that everything naturally prospers if we apply the correct energy passive. We have absolutely no need for ideologies or the tyranny of countless rules, laws and regulations. We have the sun to provide perpetual sustenance and vitamin D for our immune system, the family to perpetuate and provide a society with stable social values, plus gold as natural wealth in the treasury along with silver to finance a system of perpetual equitable prosperity.

The gross injustices of the ism ideologies have loaded the dice in favor of the establishment overlords, who are charged with the mandate to implement ideologies. The ism ideologies overseen by establishment overlords are central bank monetarism, billionaire corporatism, the politics of socialism, communism, legalism, militarism and markets that are nothing more than manipulated predatory capitalism. To return to a natural balance, all these ideologies need to be unwound.

Money defines our enterprise, independence, prosperity and economic freedom. The transition must start with the parasitic evil of central bank monetarism and its spawn of corporatism. 

To establish an honest monetary system, the first and foremost requirement is to entirely eliminate the burden of all private and national debt, while debt that is held by incorporated bodies needs to be retained for the duration of the reset.

This approach would provide a manageable way to transfer incorporated wealth and natural resources back to the great body of people. Assets values that were inflated by artificial paper leverage, will return to their true value under a gold standard. Corporations that are no longer able to justify the enormous levels of debt on their balance sheets, will be forced to liquidate.

Until a gold standard is fully operational and asset prices have completely stabilized, the liquidated corporate wealth and the looted wealth on the central bank’s balance sheets should probably be held in a temporary trust. The less fortunate and vulnerable in society will need to be protected. Nationalizing corporations might at first appear to be an easy solution. However opportunity and wealth creation needs, to be decentralized and returned to the individual.

“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”  –  Sir, Isaac Newton’s third law of physics

To get life firmly back under control, requires that people demand full release from the obscene paradigm of synthetic debt issuance and the incorporation of the world’s economic resources.

A hard asset currency must be implemented and the debt peddling sixty or so, private central banks that form the cartel of monetary agencies which operate under the Bank for International Settlements in Basle Switzerland. Such as The Federal Reserve Bank, The Bank of England, The Bank of Japan, The European Central Bank, The Swiss National Bank, The Bank of China, The Bank of India, etc., should be made defunct and the trillions in stolen wealth on their balance sheets returned.

Until it finds fair market value, where price is no longer derived from the artificial leverage of paper finance. Shock and awe will follow when every asset deflates against gold, which is nature’s money.

To implement a gold standard and return incorporated assets that were unfairly derived from the leverage of paper debt, issued at preferential interest rates. Requires that for the duration of the reset, all publicly incorporated institutions must retain their existing debt liabilities at or near the penal credit card interest rates normally reserved for the less privileged in society. As assets under a gold standard deflate to fair market value, the capital imbalance and penal interest will necessitate the transfer of incorporated economic resources back to the great body of people on the planet.

From these reactionary steps that are based on Newton’s third law of physics “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,” the reward of a just society with new found economic and social structures will ensure THE PERFECT LIFE.

The natural world is endowed with all the dimensions. The natural world can restore the balance of common sense, bring back prosperity, end the deadlock to human progress and initiate a new renaissance of knowledge, fraternity and freedom. A golden age of enlightenment and creativity in all aspects of education, arts, music, language, societal well-being, commerce, enterprise and the sciences. When as their rightful heritage, humanity take control of the Earth and their own destiny. 

Courtesy of the Shelly & Rubin private collection

This exquisite artwork can only have been drawn by a fully enlightened human being. Before it is possible to become one with the source, which is to realize nirvana. The meditative practitioner, must transcend layers and profusions of fearsome swirling energy.

Made between 1700-1790, it is beyond descriptive words and worthwhile examining in detail. The meditating figure at the top of the picture is supported by two others. Every aspect of this exquisite painting is wholistic. The attention of the pictorial is on Drogdze Wangmo which is the threatening force.












Utopia is the binary of active and passive, a fusion of macro cosmic energy and micro cosmic energy where Heaven and Earth are in harmony. The unity of yin and yang, is guaranteed to create a world of sustainable perfection!

The assurance of solar energy provides the world with a stable and recurring agricultural ecology.

The assurance of caring family values, provides the world with tradition, humanism and emotional stability.

Gold in the nations treasury to back the currency, provides unencumbered wealth to ensure a completely equitable and stable commerce.

With stability, sustenance, like minded good company, as well as opportunities and prosperity which had never been thought possible. The world has an abundance of everything that is required to amply cater for the enduring needs of every individual person.

Instead we have accepted a fatalist ideology, that life and death are linear. From this linear notion, we have a system of linear ideologies and a linear hierarchy that imposes a dystopian two tiered society. In the fatalist ideological system, the ruling elite maintain and extend their power with legalism which mandates laws that determine punishment and reward. At the same time to enable cunning and secrecy, the rulers apply statecraft in order to be above the law. For statecraft to work they must have the support of a compliant media to promote the perpetual lie and a corrupt finance system to promote perpetual theft.

Through Buddha’s scientific understanding that unity can only be manifested by the binary. The fascist and dystopian world that has been created by legalism, socialism, monetarism, capitalism, corporatism, communism and militarism will become sovereign and whole.

As their rightful heritage for the coming two thousand years, Homo sapiens with knowledge of unity will take control of the Earth and their own destiny.

When the passive energy of the sun, the passive energy of the family and the passive energy of gold harmonize with the active energy of creation. They bind together the elements of life that benefit everyone. Humanity enjoys the calm assured confidence of a flourishing economy, ecology and a dignified world. A family orientated world, emancipated from Machiavellian interference over every aspect of our lives.

Free from all forms of abhorrent engineering, debt finance, taxes on productive effort, never ending wars and the schizophrenic ism ideologies that have divided society.

For humanity to continue with these demeaning and demoralizing impositions is entirely pointless.

“How do I know that this should be so?

Through this:

The more taboos and prohibitions there are in the world.

The poorer the people will be.

The more sharp weapons the people have,

the more troubled the state will be.

The more cunning and skill man possesses.

The more vicious things will appear.

The more laws and orders are made prominent.

The more thieves and robbers there will be.

Therefore the sage says:

I take no action and the people of themselves are transformed.

I love tranquility and the people of themselves become correct.

I engage in no activity and the people of themselves become prosperous.

I have no desires and the people of themselves become fulfilled”.

Lao Tzu

While this blog has explored the wide spectrum of the natural world, Two World Systems explores a deep hidden mystery in the works of Galileo. It provides a wholistic understanding of life, the Tibetan explanation of rebirth, some thoughts on a financial restructure,
the importance of hemp in developing sustainable communities,
a guide to the Tibetan Wheel of Life, the law of octaves, etc.  Kindle Books.

Tibetan Sanskrit scholars developed a system of education with a clarity that is simple, direct, all encompassing and astounding which today remains almost unknown.In our world of inverted reality, every system of ideology for the economy, society and religion that end in ism are belief-isms. We have chosen an unstable education and leadership which is largely based on hearsay and supposition.The Tibetan Sanskrit education system is based on the reality of physics, the dynamic interaction of energy and matter, the energy frequency that underscores every aspect of creation. If we wish to have assured progress with freedom, harmony and prosperity in every aspect of our lives, then the physics of energy and matter needs to be understood and be re-established. The Tibetan Secret is an informative book on six senses
It is available on Amazon Kindle: