It is over five hundred years, since the revelation that the Universe is a sphere and given that absolutely everything that exists within a sphere must relate to a sphere. In a mass psychosis, we still continue to believe the impossible, that somehow life and motion are linear! 

The minutest details relate to a sphere! It is the reason there are no straight lines in nature and why absolutely every shape has a degree of curvature. The spherical law of the Universe is so precise, that it is impossible to draw a perfect straight line without the aid of a mechanical device!

Everywhere you look there are cyclical movements, from the planets that continually orbit the sun, the seasons, the tides, day and night, the inhalation and exhalation of breath, eyelids, heartbeat and all bodily functions are cyclical.

To pick something up, your arm must move in an arc. All your body joints are curved to enable circular movement. Sound moves in waves, water swirls around an outlet, a stone in a pond makes circular waves, there is an electricity circuit, a circle of friends, the family circle.

We refer to the solar sphere, the ecological sphere, the economic sphere, the civilization sphere and our personal sphere.

We discuss and analyze the ecological cycle, the economic cycle, the cycle of life and death.

From observation, it is evident that every phenomenon in the Universe beautifully corresponds to a sphere. 



Electromagnetic power or voltage requires a circuit with two strands of energy, an active strand (live) and a passive strand (neutral).

Analysis of the energy of life, of necessity involves energy that is circulated by macrocosmic orbits and energy which is circulated by microcosmic orbits. Energy from macrocosmic orbits, is the active strand of energy and energy from microcosmic orbits is the passive strand of energy.

  • The active strand of energy is astrological, it originates from the macrocosmic orbit of planets. It is energy that is circulated in the heavens, by the orbital motion of planets in our solar system ! 
  • The passive strand of energy is terrestrial, it originates from microcosmic orbits. It is energy that is orbitally circulated by the breath of the earth’s living things.

Macrocosmic energy that is perpetually circulated by the orbital motion of planets in our solar sphere, is ACTIVE energy and never ceases! It brings about a world of constant flux or change and it brings to pass, the cycles of planetary ages. 

The planet Earth for example in its annual cyclical orbit around the sun, travels at a speed of 66,627 miles per hour. It takes our planet 365 days to travel the orbital distance of 584 million miles! In the course of the Earths annual macrocosmic planetary orbit around the sun, it generates four different energy seasons. 

The macrocosmic energies of spring, summer, autumn and winter that are generated by the Earths orbit around the sun, dictate our planet’s terrestrial ecology! The Earth’s terrestrial life that comprises a myriad inhabitants, respond to these immense seasonal changes.

The microcosmic energy orbitally circulated by the breath of the Earth’s terrestrial life, is PASSIVE energy.

Passive energy, or breath completes the electromagnetic circuit that provides the organism with the power it requires to develop, live and reproduce!


A sphere is a closed path, it does not have a beginning or end. The closed path provides an electromagnetic circuit in which electrons from a voltage, or current source can flow. There are a myriad of spheres in the Universe and spheres within spheres. Every sphere in the Universe is a closed path with an electromagnetic circuit that can provide the power it requires to develop, sustain and reproduce.

The essence of Copernican electromagnetic physics, is that every sphere of life no matter how minute or how enormous the sphere. Is not only a circuit in which electrons from a voltage, or current source can flow. Every sphere of life no matter how minute or how enormous the sphere. Has an active energy and a passive energy that provides the voltage required to power activity within its sphere!

Take for example a fly, or any kind of organism, it requires power in order to live, develop and reproduce. The fly or organism has its own sphere, it is a closed path and that provides it with an electromagnetic circuit.

To provide the power or voltage which enables it to live, develop and reproduce. The passive energy of the insect, conjoins with the active energy that is continuously generated by the planets which orbit the solar sphere. 

As with every living organism, this tiny little insect (organism) with its individual sphere and electromagnetic circuit, exists within the vast solar sphere. There are countless myriads of these individual spheres (organisms) and they all co-exist, within our solar sphere. 

As with any living organism, were you to kill the fly. In a flash, its body falls back to the earth from where it came and the energy that has powered the insect, releases back to the solar sphere from which it came!

It is a fundamental fact of the Universe that energy continuously flows and seeks to find matter, where the seeds for renewal can configure to create life. 

It is most likely in a perpetual cycle of renewal that a new fly (organism) with the passive energy to form an electric circuit, will birth from the energy and matter in our solar sphere. 

Leonardo Da Vinci’s – Vetruvian Man

For Homo sapiens, like every organism that lives and breathes on Earth, our individual sphere integrates with the solar sphere. Our passive energy or breath of life, connects with the active energy continuously generated by macrocosmic orbits in the solar sphere to provide the power we need to live, develop and reproduce. 


The Universe is perfection, it is endowed with all the dimensions. The laws of the Universe are absolute, self sufficient, objective and should not be subjected to human decisions or conventions!

Apart from the countless myriad organisms that live, breathe, develop and reproduce. The solar sphere has provided three absolutely enormous spheres.

They are the ecological sphere, the civilization sphere and the economic sphere!

The ecological, the civilization and the economic spheres are massive energy centers with power to provide everything in life that is essential for the health, happiness and wealth of everyone. 

Thousands of spheres of activity integrate within the ecological, the civilization and the economic spheres and each one of these has an electric circuit in which ‘electrons from a voltage, or current source can flow‘! 

Copernicus the world’s most extraordinary genius, through his electromagnetic knowledge of spheres, identified and defined utopia. He provided an entirely new knowledge of how the natural world works.

It is impossible to have motion, emotion or the continuance of life without the power from a passive and active stand of energy. Yet due to an obsession with the material world and belief in the illusion of linear motion. We have ignored the role of passive energy and paid no notice, to the power created by the electromagnetic circuit in spheres.

To ensure an ecological, social and economic cycle of sustainable perfection, with immense prosperity and human fulfillment. When the correct energy passive to form an electric circuit is applied to the ecological sphere, the economic sphere and the civilization sphere. Then every of aspect of life naturally prospers!

The Universe provides a natural passive for every sphere of activity!

  • The sun is the energy or passive that ensures a prolific ecology which provides sustenance for every creature.
  • The family unit is the energy or passive that ensures an emotionally stable civilization of like minded people.
  • Refined golden economics, is the energy or passive that ensures every person on the planet prospers.

With the sun as the passive in the heavens to provide for health, the humanism of the family unit as the passive to provide for happiness and the natural monetary wealth of gold as the passive to provide for equitable wealth. The world is endowed with a perpetual abundance of prosperity and it does not need to have the imposition of a top down bureaucracy based on economic, social or other ideologies! 

It is the utmost bureaucratic evil and ignorance for a human to assume authority over another human. There is absolutely no ideological, or other need, for any aspect of creation to be socially engineered, financially engineered, genetically engineered, military engineered, legally engineered, geo-engineered, biologically engineered or cyber engineered with an artificial intelligence. 

These predatory tools, are intended for subjugation and add precisely nothing that is of substantial benefit for the human race. They create inequitable divisions that serve to advantage a few corporations and individuals with obscene wealth and power, while they destroy the natural ecological, civilization and economic cycles which benefit everyone.


Heaven and Earth are the active and passive strands of energy that combine to form the eternal miracle of creation. This was the science of Copernicus, it was the understanding of the creators of the I Ching (The Book of Change) and it formed the basis of the teachings of LAO TZU, only to have been lost in the mists of time. 

The active energies of Heaven and the passive energies of Earth hold the secret to good health, they provide the bliss of happiness for every person on the planet and they are essential to the equitable creation of wealth. 

To understand the orbital motions that provide the link between Heaven and Earth, is sufficient to ensure a sublime age with an extraordinary banquet of knowledge, fraternity and discovery!

HOW THE NATURAL WORLD WORKS blog explores, identifies and defines, the inner nature of everything from the genius intellects of COPERNICUS, GALILEO, LAO TZU, VITRUVIUS, TIBETAN SCHOLARS and OTHER extraordinary minds.