Reform of the Human Mind

“It is vanity to imagine that one can introduce a new philosophy 
by refuting this or that author.
It is necessary first to teach the reform of the human mind 
and to render it capable 
of distinguishing truth from falsehood”

– Galileo Galilei (1564-1642).

We are first and foremost on this planet as participants in the evolution of human consciousness and have the ability, to be able to distinguish truth from falsehood.

The endeavor to distinguish truth from falsehood presents an immense personal challenge. Plato used the analogy of a kabuki theater, where the shadows on a wall at the back of a cave are mistaken for reality.

When people are presented with an illusion that is beyond their ability to comprehend, they invent beliefs to explain the occurrence. The beliefs used to explain the illusion are ideas. The ideas form ideologies and in a completely self-reinforcing cycle, the ideologies serve to normalize the schizophrenia of the illusion.

The harsh reality is that ideologies are suppositions based on unscientific nonsense and ideology requires the tyranny of an administration. The administrators use the ideological suppositions to impose a myriad laws, rules and regulations that remove our freedoms, while obscene wealth and power are given to a few!

Karma is by far the primary factor in the development of human consciousness. Karma is a crutch that is reinforced by the collective consciousness of the group to which we identify. For example in a transcendental meditation group, there is an accepted meditation level and we are afraid to transcend further. To assuage fear of the unknown, we employ either a secular belief that “life is linear, we are born and we die” or we embrace the dogma of a religious teaching. Whether secular or religious, the belief is a self imposed obstacle, it is the crutch that prevents the evolution of our consciousness and the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood.

Some crutches have a positive perspective such as “I am a good cook” or “I can do DIY” and some adopt a negative perspective, which is “I cannot cook” or “I am useless at DIY”.

The important thing is to recognize that we have adopted self imposed limits. Our sole challenge in life, is to recognize the self imposed limits and have sufficient confidence to throw away the crutches.

When we let go the crutches that prevent our human evolution and understand the principles that govern life. The reform of the human mind follows and there is wisdom to distinguish truth from falsehood.

Be assured that when we cease to have the ideologies of corporatism, socialism, monetarism, communism, legalism, militarism and markets that are nothing more than manipulated predatory capitalism. When the foundations for human life and the real world are based entirely, on cultivating an an ample supply of nutritious foods to provide the body with stamina. The humanism of a loving family life to develop heartfelt emotions and the principles of sound money, to ensure equitable access to commerce and the means of production. 

Then for all future time the destiny of you, those you love and the entire world. Will be blessed to the absolute fullest degree with tremendous prosperity, exceptional freedoms, friendships and astounding opportunities.

The natural world is endowed with all the dimensions. It can restore the balance of common sense, bring back prosperity, end the deadlock to human progress and initiate a new renaissance of knowledge, fraternity and freedom. A golden age of enlightenment and creativity in all aspects of education, arts, music, language, societal well-being, commerce, enterprise and the sciences. When as their rightful heritage, humanity take control of the Earth and their own destiny.

HOW THE NATURAL WORLD WORKS blog explores, identifies and defines, the inner nature of everything from the genius intellects of COPERNICUS, GALILEO, LAO TZU, VITRUVIUS, TIBETAN SCHOLARS and OTHER extraordinary minds.