

How the natural world works blog, brings together knowledge from the genius intellects of Copernicus, Galileo, Vitruvius, Tibetan Scholars, Lao Tzu and other extraordinary people. All of whom came to the conclusion that disorder does not belong in nature.


Copernicus was probably the worlds most extraordinary genius. He explained the first principle. From that principle, all truths are easy to discover and understand.

"First and foremost, the Universe is spherical!" 

As Copernicus unequivocally stated, “the Universe is a sphere”. It means that absolutely everything within the Universe relates to a sphere. it is the reason linear motion does not exist, it explains how cycles govern life and why there are no straight lines in nature. It is evident that every phenomenon in the Universe, beautifully corresponds to a sphere.

“The Universe, is wrought for us 
by a supremely good and orderly Creator.”


The assumption that somehow linear motion exists, has divorced society from reality. This lack of understanding about how the natural work works, has resulted in social and economic disorder.

The Universe is absolute, it is the source of everything. it provides all that humanity requires, without the need for man made laws. The natural world can restore the balance of common sense, bring back prosperity, end the deadlock to human progress and initiate a new renaissance of knowledge, fraternity and freedom. A golden age of enlightenment and creativity in all aspects of education, arts, music, language, societal well-being, commerce, enterprise and the sciences. When as their rightful heritage, humanity take control of the Earth and their own destiny.

“To apply oneself to great inventions, starting from the smallest beginnings. Is no task for ordinary minds.
To divine that wonderful arts lie hidden behind childish things.
Is a conception for superhuman talents.”