How The Natural World Works

"Mathematics is the language with which God 
has written the Universe" 

For Tibetans, Life And Death Are A Perpetual Cycle.

Tibet is a majestic and remote plateau country, situated at a very high altitude, 16,000 feet above sea level and located between India, Nepal and China. The Tibetan plateau is surrounded by the world’s highest mountain ranges, which are the Kunlun in the North, the Karakoam and Ladak in the West, the Himalayas are in the South and the East. 

The glaciers in Tibet are the source of the large Asian rivers which sustain the lives of forty-six percent of the population of the planet, more than three billion people.

The Indus, Sutlej and the Karnali rivers are symbolically known as the Lion, the Elephant and the Peacock. The glaciers of Tibet are also source of the mighty Ganges, the Brahmaputra, the Irrawaddy, the Salween, the Mekong, the Yangtze and the Yellow River. 

Tibet was the main center of Buddhist learning for twelve hundred years and is said to be the last of the old civilizations, which were guided by spiritual values. Tibetan Sanskrit scholars developed a system of education with a clarity that is simple, direct, all encompassing and astounding, it remains almost unknown today.

Following the death of a loved one, the Tibetans offer prayers, flags and incense for a forty-nine day period to wish the dead person a propitious new birth.

To the Tibetans death is simple uncomplicated physics, where energy and matter become separated. Consciousness has become disembodied. 

The disregarded body is taken up a mountain and in a sky burial, it is offered as food for vultures. 

Where there are no mountains and no vultures to feed, they opt for a water burial and the disregarded body is offered as food for fish. It is perhaps the the main reason why Tibetans do not eat fish!

Trees in Tibet are in short supply for firewood to provide a fire burial, which is in the traditional method of Buddhist cremation. 

In places where the Chinese tradition is practiced, an earth burial is the custom.

A stupa burial or embalming is normally reserved, for the most revered holy Lamas. 

Energy is the cyclical life force of the Universe. Tibetans refer to consciousness that has become disembodied due to the death of the body, as a namshe.

In the trauma of death, the namshe finds itself dazed, confused and disorientated. In the absence of any physical anchor, the namshe is blown aimlessly, here and there in the ether. This situation can continue for up to 49 days, or seven weeks and it is the reason why during this period, incense, colorful flags and prayers of goodwill are offered.

The flow of energy, continuously seeks to find matter where the seeds for renewal can configure to create life. In a perpetual cycle of life and death, every life form mathematically renews within a definite cyclical period. 

The namshe has a cycle period of seven weeks or forty-nine days in which to find a womb, where the elements combine and form an embryo. 

"Looking for a home, the namshe is attracted by the intense mounting passion of a couple making love and filled with desire for an embodied existence it seeks out the woman's womb in which to rest. It is there as it becomes caught up in the heightened blissful energy of the moment, that the namshe's life force soars within the blood and bodily fluids to create the embryo of a body and the woman conceives."  
The Tibetan Secret Revealed on Kindle books

At the end of a seven week period of gestation in the womb. Energy begins to rise from the navel along a central channel. Where it creates energy centers that are called chakras located in the head, heart and throat, before forming the two lower body chakras.


All five body charkas are interlinked by the spinal cord. The lower body chakra at the navel, determines our physical and emotional balance, while the chakra situated just below the male and female sexual reproductive organ, is the center for our creative energy.

As each month passes, the fetus continues to change shape and grow until finally after a thirty-six week period of formation, the baby yearns to leave the womb.

"During the twenty-fourth week of conception, the wind of remembrance becomes very clear and the unborn child's awareness can see its previous lives and mothers. Realizing that he or she was nothing special, just an ordinary human being with a pattern of human faults. He or she has spun around and around the wheel of life many times in a recurring cycle of joy, sorrow and frustration."   
The Tibetan Secret Revealed on Kindle Books

Each newborn baby, then passes a further period of seven weeks becoming accustomed to its new surroundings.

There is a folklore theory among Tibetans that the sex of the child is determined at the time of conception, depending on which partner has the most heightened sexual experience. If it is the woman, then the child will be male and if it is the man, then the child will be female.

Based on the above calculations of the cycle of life and death, it would appear that after approximately 49 weeks, the entire natural cycle of physical renewal has completed and a wonderful new life as a child begins.

People rightly ask, why it is that we do not remember death? It has most probably to do with the fact that the six senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, smell and mind are the gift that is given to us at birth and then taken away at the moment of death. The senses are our only means of perception and there is no recollection without them! 

While it is most probable that the namshe will encounter a conscious awareness of vast cyclical energies. It is caught up in confusion and deprived of a physical body to provide the sensory perception of sight, sound, taste, touch, smell or mind that are required to have recollection or a sense of direction. 

At the time of birth, we once again have a physical body and become reconnected with the gift of six senses with which to form, an entirely new lifetime of perceptions and recollections. 

Out of a sense of curiosity some people have claimed to remember past lives under regression hypnosis. This is something for the individual to decide. From the authors own experience of regression hypnosis, it does not necessarily provide a very reliable experience or beneficial knowledge.  

In the circle of life, every moment is an entirely new beginning and we have a lifetime to fully explore, a wonderful wholistic conscious awareness of knowledge and bliss.

The Universe is a vast, rich and prosperous cycle of life and vitality. Where nature is prolific and the Earths terrestrial life that comprises a myriad inhabitants are born, sustain and reproduce.

The natural world which is endowed with all the dimensions, can restore the balance of common sense; bring back prosperity; end the deadlock to human progress and initiate a new renaissance of knowledge, fraternity and freedom. A golden age of enlightenment and creativity in all aspects of education, arts, music, language, societal well-being, commerce, enterprise and the sciences. When as their rightful heritage, humanity take control of the Earth and their own destiny.

HOW THE NATURAL WORLD WORKS blog explores, identifies and defines, the inner nature of everything from the genius intellects of TIBETAN SCHOLARS, COPERNICUS, GALILEO, LAO TZU, VITRUVIUS and OTHER extraordinary minds.